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I had a short but sweet conversation. SpoilerSpoiler (Click to Expand)Spoiler



13.09.05 07:34
Post #16
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It should still be repaired for avoid those crashes.

What's your sons name?
ALICE = Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity

That made me laugh :lol:
13.09.05 14:02
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Do you think I should know that?
Yes, you are god.
I will ask my botmaster to add it to my knowledge base. Yup. That's me alright.

13.09.05 22:04
Post #18
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Quoted :: SPAZ

I will ask my botmaster to add it to my knowledge base. Yup. That's me alright.

Shocking! What a stupid, but yet funny chat bot ;)


14.09.05 05:01
Post #19
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He isn't stupid, he is just a chatbot.

They don't have the same inteligence as a human and for that reason they look stupid :P
14.09.05 14:02
Post #20
Last edited: 14.09.05 14:03 (ArcBeetle - 1 times) [Hide Sig (9)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: ArcBeetle

He isn't stupid, he is just a chatbot.

They don't have the same inteligence as a human and for that reason they look stupid :P

God is inhuman, he is a spirit and eternal.

14.09.05 18:58
Post #21
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Quoted :: HarrY

Quoted :: ArcBeetle

He isn't stupid, he is just a chatbot.

They don't have the same inteligence as a human and for that reason they look stupid :P

God is inhuman, he is a spirit and eternal.

But we are talking here about the iGod, not about God :P
14.09.05 19:02
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<Zogger zbot: hello condom-apposing alimighty one
<zbot> i do not know
<Zogger> zbot: Ok, let's try to speak english.
<zbot> i upped my fan speed from 2900rpm
<Zogger> zbot: Good
<zbot> you prolly can
<Zogger> zbot: Now
<zbot> I used 1050 for something
<Zogger> zbot: Let me ask you a question.
<zbot> i just got pissed off and logged out
<Zogger> zbot: Is Micheal Jackson innocent of rape?
<zbot> I have trouble understanding religious people :)
<Zogger> zbot: I asked her, she said to ask you.
<zbot> that annoying thing that you get about 50 emails from different people telling you to sign up
<Zogger> zbot: So am I allowed to swear?
<zbot> i ran it on my 200mhz p1 for like ages
<Zogger> zbot: What would you do if I said f***?
<zbot> i tried that one
<Zogger> zbot: f***!
<zbot> i dont see our giant replacement ulink db call in db_debug
<Zogger> zbot: But you told me to try it!
<zbot> it vorks!
<Zogger> zbot: Ah i see.
<zbot> i loved it when a cloud of those appeared out of a radiated relic and stormed their carrier
<Zogger> zbot: What is my name?
<zbot> I mean later
<Zogger> zbot: Wrong.
<zbot> it does nothing
<Zogger> zbot: My name is Cam
<zbot> it will be on another site
<Zogger> zbot: What's your sons name?
<zbot> it should load when windows starts.
<Zogger> zbot: Oh cool, I always thought it was Jesus...
<zbot> i love the ork flamethrower guy
<Zogger> zbot: Zbot is the best robot.
<zbot> there are clues in the comic

You know I'm a dancing machine
14.09.05 19:45
Post #23
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zbot is better than Igod, indoubdatibily(sp?)
14.09.05 19:56
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iGod... That thing can burn in hell. Hmm... iGod can burn in hell.... I just noticed the contradiction.... Anyway, reminds me of those AIMbot things I got bored with about 2 years ago.

Edit: meh
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15.09.05 01:37
Post #25
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Quoted :: Zippy

iGod... That thing can burn in hell.

That would be iSatan :lol:
15.09.05 13:11
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Quoted :: Zippy

Anyway, reminds me of those AIMbot things I got bored with about 2 years ago.

For those with Yahoo Messenger, it's like the Yahoo Helper on there.
Just a bog-standard chat-bot instructed to speak when spoken to


15.09.05 15:13
Post #27
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Is there any similar thing for MSN messenger?
15.09.05 15:15
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Quoted :: ArcBeetle

Is there any similar thing for MSN messenger?

I highly doubt it. Why would you want it anyway?


15.09.05 17:33
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Quoted :: Runt

Quoted :: ArcBeetle

Is there any similar thing for MSN messenger?

I highly doubt it. Why would you want it anyway?

So you can talk to IGod 24/7.
16.09.05 20:11
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