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We seem to have falling away from the forum rules a little of late, so here is a polite reminder to stick to them.

The 2 Points i would like to bring to your attention, are:

  1. No Warez / Illegal Stuff This includes, but is not limited to:
    • Requests
    • Links
    • Hints

    Any offending threads/posts will be promptly deleted
  2. No Offensive Behaviour this includes Grammar nazism. If you can't read common internet shorthands, then that is your problem. This is the internet - get used to it.

UAs please step in if you see anything like this going on - consultation on suitable punishment is available via BTP Chat.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
06.07.05 15:17
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[]The Pope
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I guess you could say you're cracking down...

Learn to look, look to learn.
06.07.05 15:21
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I guess you could say we're cracking up.

You know I'm a dancing machine
06.07.05 19:07
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

They were both terrible jokes, and i think you should be ashamed of yourselves.

An image!
06.07.05 19:38
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Stop joking in this serious thread, it's important to be awarez of the rules.

You know I'm a dancing machine
06.07.05 20:30
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

Stop joking in this serious thread, it's important to be awarez of the rules.

That one made me laugh for some reason.

06.07.05 20:47
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So we can still swear with bad bad words and flame people until they cry in comments and other random places? Then it's not much of a loss;)
06.07.05 20:54
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Quoted :: Rules
Grammar nazism.

Hiel Glenn! :roll:

(Oh, comeon, you saw that one coming... didn't you?)
06.07.05 22:05
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At least i have chicken!
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Warez is more of a P2P thing now isn't it. I was using it a few monthsa ago!


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

06.07.05 22:12
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Warez can be anywhere.
p2p is just a way to file share
06.07.05 22:30
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At least i have chicken!
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I know but what i mean is the actual warez site which is pretty obvious but for legal reasons i will not post!


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

06.07.05 22:35
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Statusless? Maybe
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

looks like this is a reason why my Fireworks thread were deleted...:(

I wasn't realy asking for illegal version just asking is it posible to download legaly free version of Fireworks MX...
07.07.05 08:50
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Quoted :: ReadMe

  • Requests

  • Links

  • Hints

  • with hints you mean something like "PM for the crack of XXXXX program" or simply with say "i would post the crack here but i cant" is considered a hint?

    07.07.05 12:16
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    []The Pope
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    Divulging any information, direct or indirect, about illegal files is bad. Very bad.

    XD Who am I to lecture...

    Learn to look, look to learn.
    07.07.05 14:36
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    Quoted :: ArcBeetle

    Quoted :: ReadMe

  • Requests

  • Links

  • Hints

  • with hints you mean something like "PM for the crack of XXXXX program" or simply with say "i would post the crack here but i cant" is considered a hint?

    Well someone said the location of the crack, but gave no URL. That's pretty much hinting.

    07.07.05 16:56
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