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Quoted :: Archamond

looks like this is a reason why my Fireworks thread were deleted...:(

I wasn't realy asking for illegal version just asking is it posible to download legaly free version of Fireworks MX...

No. There's only a 30 day trial. All other ways are illegal unless you buy it.
07.07.05 17:01
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[quote=The Pope]
Divulging any information, direct or indirect, about illegal files is bad. Very bad.

XD Who am I lecture...
[/quote this from the guy I got FireWorks MX off of?! :roll:

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
07.07.05 21:30
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Quoted :: The Pope

XD Who am I to lecture...

I believe that was a joke that Pope made, Aku.

Irony, we've gone from outlawing this stuff to talking about it ourselves. In under two pages too.


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
07.07.05 23:35
Post #18
Last edited: 07.07.05 23:36 (Thnikkaman - 1 times) [DA Gallery] [Hide Sig (3)] [Profile] [Quote]
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i'ts still1 page on my screen, thread locked - but please stick to the rules.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
08.07.05 00:45
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