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Orangie Orgy
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Try make the story 3 times bigger like in the old CYOA.
30.06.05 08:28
Post #46
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i may possibly write a voting system program so CYOA gets it's own page later.

I vote C, duh.

(There are advantages to writing yourself into a story as a god =D)

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
30.06.05 11:24
Post #47
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

A) Wait in line
B) Push people out of the way and get in
C) Use ReadMe's god-like powers to get into the store
D) *fapfapfap*

I vote B, the best way ;)
30.06.05 14:21
Post #48
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see please
30.06.05 15:06
Post #49
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30.06.05 15:25
Post #50
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Quoted :: ReadMe

i may possibly write a voting system program so CYOA gets it's own page later.

I vote C, duh.

(There are advantages to writing yourself into a story as a god =D)

How would the posting for it work then?

I vote C.
30.06.05 23:06
Post #51
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Quoted :: C1

Quoted :: ReadMe

i may possibly write a voting system program so CYOA gets it's own page later.

I vote C, duh.

(There are advantages to writing yourself into a story as a god =D)

How would the posting for it work then?

Each user clicks on A, B, C, or D (or whatever choices there are, remember there could be more than four) And then, the thing will give me and ReadMe the total of votes there were for a choice and one of us would continue the story. Make sense?
I honestly prefer when people post their choice, because they can also post their own comments and you could make the voting system incredibly flexible. Anyways, ReadMe is an admin, I don't think he'll do it, because all admins are lazy :P

B) ArcBeetle
C) Jimbob, Andy, ReadMe, kikumbob, Simon, Kalan

ReadMe teleports into the shop with his pixel.
ReadMe: Knifa, why the fuck is all the pixels throwing up everywhere?
madknifa: I dunno. I'm not the one who made the pixel making machine.
ReadMe: Ok then, I'll go see C1.
ReadMe teleports into the C-Pad and he sees ZoGgEr! giving C1 a check.
ReadMe: Boo!
C1 jumps four feet into the air.
C1: Holy shit, you scared me!
ReadMe: Get used to it.
ZoGgEr!: I was about to give C1 a large amount of money for his pixel making machine.
ReadMe: I was about to ask him a question about the pixels. It's very important ZoGgEr!, can I ask him?
ZoGgEr!: Go ahead.
ReadMe: C1, the pixels are all vomiting. Do you know what's wrong with them?
C1: No. Not really.
ReadMe: Then what do you know about the pixels?
C1: They're fully customizable.
ReadMe: That's it?
C1: That's it.
ReadMe shakes his head.
ReadMe: Pixville II looks like shit and smells bad. we gotta do something about it.
ZoGgEr!: Well, there's no point in cleaning it, the pixels will dirty it again. We gotta make them stop vomiting.
ReadMe: We'll have to visit Glenn again in either Mountain-View Chalet or The Peaceful Pixel Palace, all the way in Pixville. TO THE FIREFOX!
C1, ReadMe and ZoGgEr! go to the Firefox.
ReadMe: I'm driving because I suggested we go to the Firefox, no whineing.
C1: But I wanna drive! I never had a chance to drive this thing at all.
ReadMe: Boo hoo. Buckle up, we're going now!
The Firefox speeds off to Pixville and on the way they see...

A) The Black Eyed Peas
B) 50 Cent
C) Natalie Portman
D) The Backstreet Boys
E) Kalan Porter

What are you talking about me adding option E ? <_<

01.07.05 05:25
Post #52
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A. because you can eat them.

01.07.05 06:58
Post #53
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Orangie Orgy
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01.07.05 06:59
Post #54
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A) The Black Eyed Peas <---------------!
B) 50 Cent
C) Natalie Portman
D) The Backstreet Boys
E) Kalan Porter
01.07.05 08:54
Post #55
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Lazy, Busy, Fizzy, Crazy
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awwww go for E!


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
01.07.05 10:11
Post #56
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You know I'm a dancing machine
01.07.05 10:45
Post #57
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i vote C
01.07.05 12:39
Post #58
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I vote B, cause it's money :P


01.07.05 14:15
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Though, he might shoot you..or take you to the candy shop :|
01.07.05 17:07
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