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hmm.. why was it marked spam?
16.02.05 18:56
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Quoted :: Glenn

Quoted :: ReadMe

heh, development had kinda stagnated as of late, creating a multiplayer game in PHP is kinda tricky. Hopefull be done within a month or so.

Is it going to be no-limits hold'em, or are there going to be preset maximum bets we can make?

Well atm it's limits holdem, i'm testing with 20-40 and players start with a 10000 stack.

I intend to allow players to buy chips with their BTP money and put a limit on the number of chips they can have.

After it's done i may expand it to allow pot limit and/or no limit.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
16.02.05 19:27
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How about just have both? Have all the tables but one be limits, and then whoever gets a spot in no limits table, well, they get to play.
16.02.05 19:42
Post #18
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the coding is a bit on the tricky side though, and going all-in just makes things over complicated.

Funny how it all seems so simple in your head.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
16.02.05 20:20
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I could probably do it, but there's two problems:
A) I know jack about PHP (I'm supposed to be learning it, but meh).
B) It'd probably contain redundant code.

Basically, here is the redundentness that could make it work:
money_under = money_max - money_current
all_in = money_max - money_under
money_current = money_current - all_in
if (opponent_money < all_in) && (call == true)
money_current = all_in - opponent_money
if (opponent_money < all_in) && (opponentb_money >= all_in) (ad infinitum) && (call == true) && (callb == true) (ad infinitum)
side_pot = (all_in - opponent_money) * (x-1) /*this money can be claimed by anyone that met all_in, x = # of players in*/
main_pot = opponent_money * x /*this money can be claimed by everyone regardless, x = # of players in*/

This is just basic code, it'd be up to you to make it work. The same problems apply any other time a player doesn't have the money to call or to fulfill the blind, so you'd have to provide for that as well.
17.02.05 03:20
Post #20
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

hmm.. why was it marked spam?

Some people can be (read: are) idiots.
17.02.05 14:32
Post #21
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Quoted :: Cheeetar

What about another game like "Pixel invaders"
About pixels invading e.g. like space invaders?:?

I think this has got to be your first post which is actually good. Anyways...

Sounds like a good idea you got there.
Theres the dodging the pixels / poxels game. So how about finally destroying them?


16.04.05 04:31
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Yeah, sure, why not make an arcade. It'll be a pain to make though, so I don't know if anything will actually be done about it.

I can see it now: Pixel Invaders, Wormman, Wormeo Brothers, Wormtris, the possibilities are endless.
16.04.05 19:08
Post #23
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Wormeo Brothers eh?
Sounds interesting


16.04.05 19:44
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Quoted :: Glenn

Yeah, sure, why not make an arcade. It'll be a pain to make though, so I don't know if anything will actually be done about it.

I can see it now: Pixel Invaders, Wormman, Wormeo Brothers, Wormtris, the possibilities are endless.

I was going to make Wormtris..then I decided I suck at javascript and why try :P
17.04.05 03:48
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I think some of these would be fairly easy to make as java applets - main problem is the 'ol "my computers slow which makes it easy or hard" line.

You know I'm a dancing machine
17.04.05 14:41
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

I think some of these would be fairly easy to make as java applets - main problem is the 'ol "my computers slow which makes it easy or hard" line.

Why not make it in something else besides java applets?
17.04.05 16:15
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You know, you'd think it'd be possible to make it in C++, and just have it able to link the score back to the site if you wish.
Wait, isn't that possible?
17.04.05 22:03
Post #28
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Quoted :: Glenn

Yeah, sure, why not make an arcade. It'll be a pain to make though, so I don't know if anything will actually be done about it.

I can see it now: Pixel Invaders, Wormman, Wormeo Brothers, Wormtris, the possibilities are endless.

At least anything made before 1990 ;) Don't get me wrong, it'd kick ass to play Marvel vs. Team 17, Worm Crisis II, or Worm Calibur, although I doubt we'd see them before I am old and hairy. Or we could just make worm sprite mods for Doom :D


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
17.04.05 23:18
Post #29
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Quoted :: C1

Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

I think some of these would be fairly easy to make as java applets - main problem is the 'ol "my computers slow which makes it easy or hard" line.

Why not make it in something else besides java applets?

because anything other than flash would require some kind of download - which means people would have to download a new EXE for any new games (probably, unless some kind of complicated auto-update system was included). And I don't know or have flash.

You know I'm a dancing machine
18.04.05 14:26
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