
BTForum » Other Stuff » BlameTheSuggestions » Regarding Anonymous Ratings

Poll: Remove them, Yay or Nay?
Yay 11 users
Nay 9 users
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Could they be removed? I like to see who rated me down, especially who rated me down for being offensive in the forum when I havent posted for about a week. It would also stop rating people down for the sake of it :)
17.11.04 16:50
Post #1
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[G]the candy man
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yeah id like that aswell
id want to no who voted me i can talk to them.
17.11.04 17:39
Post #2
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Yes. Id also like to see them removed.

Not simply so i can have revenge. But bcause ive been on the recieving end of pointless reasons for being rated down.

The most recent being "ur an asshole" Which after knifa checked out. Was Worm Warrior. Whom got his very own rated down. For anonymous abuse of the rating system ;)

If you have a valid reason for rating someone down. Then theres no need to be anonymous.
17.11.04 18:24
Post #3
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I was rated down twice by 1. The other one was for no reason, and the other one's reason was "for being a stupid faggot".
17.11.04 18:30
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This is a hard question. I'd like to see who rated me, but also I'd like to be anonymous when rating someone. :/
And how are we supposed to vote in the poll? Is "Yay" yes to anon ratings or yes to getting them removed? :?
17.11.04 20:16
Post #5
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Yes to getting them removed. I am all for the anonymous ratings. That way you can question someone if they rate you down for some odd reason...


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17.11.04 20:40
Post #6
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or... you could just rate them down as revenge. Currently the answer is no.

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17.11.04 20:47
Post #7
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[G]the candy man
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

or... you could just rate them down as revenge. Currently the answer is no.

but you cant rate them down if you dont no who rated you down ...8O
17.11.04 20:50
Post #8
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So the poll doesn't get a say?
17.11.04 20:50
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Quoted :: The candy Man

Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

or... you could just rate them down as revenge. Currently the answer is no.

but you cant rate them down if you dont no who rated you down ...8O

that was my point. Edit: actually I don't care about you rating them down as revenge, it's the legitimate ones I care about

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17.11.04 20:51
Post #10
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I'd like to know who rated me down too.
No explanation, no name. Nothing.
But generously []clarkey252 decided to rate me back up becuase I looked lonely on 19 :?


17.11.04 20:51
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Or to make someone check if a rating's made for a good reason. I was rated down by 1 for "being a stupid faggot" and 1 without reason. Since they both rated me down by 1, I think they're noobs.
17.11.04 20:51
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I really don't think we should remove anonymous ratings. Half the people wouldn't even use the rating system, if it was off. Plus there would be more fighting and revenge. I tend you usually put my name, if it's a good reason for rating down/up.
17.11.04 20:54
Post #13
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[G]the candy man
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well you rated me down and didnt use your name.....
cant remember why though.....hmmm got me thinking now
17.11.04 21:14
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heh, I was once rated down by someone who ticked all the boxes and then wrote "test" in the other reason box...

17.11.04 21:41
Post #15
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