
BTForum » Other Stuff » BlameTheSuggestions » Regarding Anonymous Ratings

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[G]the candy man
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why didnt you get an admin to see who it was?
17.11.04 22:02
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Quoted :: Runt

I'd like to know who rated me down too.
No explanation, no name. Nothing.
But generously []clarkey252 decided to rate me back up becuase I looked lonely on 19 :?

Yes a favour you havent returned but back on topic

Quoted :: C1

I really don't think we should remove anonymous ratings. Half the people wouldn't even use the rating system, if it was off. Plus there would be more fighting and revenge. I tend you usually put my name, if it's a good reason for rating down/up.

I agree with C1


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

17.11.04 22:04
Post #17
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I dont see revenge as a problem, i'd just vote everyone down if i get rated down :twisted:
17.11.04 22:14
Post #18
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Quoted :: Meiapaul

I dont see revenge as a problem, i'd just vote everyone down if i get rated down :twisted:

Lol..i'd like to see that :p
17.11.04 22:29
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Quoted :: clarkey252

Yes a favour you havent returned but back on topic

I haven't returned the favour cause I'm still pondering as to why you did do it.

Ah well. Guess I'll return the favour then.


17.11.04 23:01
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I never use the anonomous feature for rating down, if I have a problem (or lack thereof) with you, you're dammed well going to know it.

If you're using anons because you really don't want people to know what you think, well, that's your choice. If you're using anons because you're a coward and/or fear retribution, though, I don't hold even the tiniest grain of respect for you. Sure, a person *might* take vengence upon you. But I'm pretty sure, no, I KNOW, that many more people like you and will bump that rating right back up.
17.11.04 23:47
Post #21
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Quoted :: Glenn

I never use the anonomous feature for rating down, if I have a problem (or lack thereof) with you, you're dammed well going to know it.

If you're using anons because you really don't want people to know what you think, well, that's your choice. If you're using anons because you're a coward and/or fear retribution, though, I don't hold even the tiniest grain of respect for you. Sure, a person *might* take vengence upon you. But I'm pretty sure, no, I KNOW, that many more people like you and will bump that rating right back up.

Damn straight!
If you can't face rating someone down showing who you are, then theres no point in doing it all.
Without a damn good reason aswell annoys me. People rate you down and don't say why.
Well I got one to say to you...



18.11.04 02:49
Post #22
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I don't use to rating much, but without the anon rating feature it would be a gigantic war out there, with vendettas, clans (friends rating back)...
But it would make ppl use it less... precisely because of the "revenge mode" hehe...

edit : [idea] this could be tested for a week or two, removing anon rating, and then switched back if it is problemful [/idea]


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18.11.04 10:46
Post #23
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Or make the anon option cost people to use it. That way it can make people turn to honesty and away from cowardice


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18.11.04 11:14
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That's a nice idea. Like, 40£ per anon-downrate? At least the "using anon rating to rate someone down without a good reason at all" should be gone.
18.11.04 12:21
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Wouldn't that discourage people form rating people down becuase if we did that you would have 3 choices
1. Rate them dawn and get rated down yourself (revenge factor)
2. Rate them dow anonomusly (but i dont see why i should pay for others to show your incolence)
3. Don't bother and let them get away with it

In my oppinion you have a Lose, Lose, Lose situation


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

18.11.04 16:25
Post #26
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Quoted :: Glenn

If you're using anons because you really don't want people to know what you think, well, that's your choice. If you're using anons because you're a coward, I don't hold even the tiniest grain of respect for you.

Those two things are the same ;)
18.11.04 16:45
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I like the pay thing. If it was only like 20 pounds, then people may choose to rate as themselves but if they really want to pay the extra money, they can rate down as anon.

But I don't really thing this anon thing is a problem.
18.11.04 20:38
Post #28
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You wouldn't, you dont have ratings ;)
18.11.04 21:05
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That doesn't change my view on things =/ I was hardly ever rated down before. The only time I would have wondered who rated me down, was if I dropped like 5.
18.11.04 22:35
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