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Bit of a pointless thread but just to imform everyone.

"The Pixel" was banned, so he decided to create a new account with an 'A' instead of a 'E'. Hense the name "Tha Pixel"

Just to make sure all knows about it. You can start complaining about this being spam now if you like.


12.09.04 02:15
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Quoted :: Runt

Bit of a pointless thread but just to imform everyone.

"The Pixel" was banned, so he decided to create a new account with an 'A' instead of a 'E'. Hense the name "Tha Pixel"

Just to make sure all knows about it. You can start complaining about this being spam now if you like.

The name change has to do with an *ahem* error in the db. If you look on the All Users list, you'll notice that there are three user's named, [B]The Pixel, the pixel, and the pixel. Apparantly, that got fixed a short while ago, and he's decided to avoid that fix by simply changing characters. You can see the difference in the names by quoting the post and looking at the user tags.
I've moved for a range ban, but I don't know if it'll actually happen. If anyone else falls within that range and regularly visits the site, then they could contact someone (preferably an admin), to get it unblocked. At least *try* to keep him out of here, please.
12.09.04 03:21
Post #2
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[G]tha pixel
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Lies i tell you LIES all LIES
12.09.04 04:33
Post #3
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I'll quote ReadMe on this:

Quoted :: ReadMe

right thats it, next one to accuse somone of being a doulbe accounter without providing solid proof, that is, not just "you used the same reasonalby rare word" will be taxed 50%.

A repeat offence will result in a 24 hour ban.

I'm serious! BTP should not be a place that can be policed by it's members, thats what the staff are for. If you believe that someone has registered more than one account then feel free to PM an admin, but posts on the public forums are not thw way to go.

Welcome the newcomers, dont chase them off with pitchforks.

Edit: On second thought, is the fact that tha pixel is spamming up the Ask-The-Pixel page the same way pixel, []Kyle, [B]Kitty and all evil variations of the pixel did counted as solid proof?....
12.09.04 08:04
Post #4
Last edited: 12.09.04 08:26 (XxSpIDerxX - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Stupid ass pixel. By the way, runt, FYI im not Tha Pixel or the pixl or whatever. Im just sonic. ok? :)
12.09.04 18:31
Post #5
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he lied and i belived him! grrr

and yes you are sonic...
12.09.04 19:00
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Can someone delet this thread, its stupid and pointless, if you wanted someone to know this, just pm it to an admin, ffs.

12.09.04 19:17
Post #7
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so you are The pixel, why bother? find a new site to make multiple accounts and annoy everyone...
12.09.04 21:02
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but you see, he isn't "the pixel"
and even if he is, he isn't annoying anyone, and if he's annoying you ithink you should look up "annoy"

12.09.04 21:54
Post #9
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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hes annoying me with the way hes trying to cover up the fact he is The Pixel.
13.09.04 06:35
Post #10
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Must.. ban.. full.. IP.. range.. then.. tell.. ISP.. that.. he.. was.. pissing.. us.. off.. [lies]and.. that.. he.. was.. hacking.. the.. site[/lies]
13.09.04 07:17
Post #11
Last edited: 13.09.04 07:18 (Knifa - 2 times) [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
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i dont think he has the brain to hack a tree, let a loan a website :lol:
13.09.04 12:17
Post #12
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And at the end of the day... we are all blaming pixels here. How ironic!


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

13.09.04 15:10
Post #13
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[G]dj canada
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And I will Double Quote ReadMe on this.

Quoted :: ReadMe

right thats it, next one to accuse somone of being a doulbe accounter without providing solid proof, that is, not just "you used the same reasonalby rare word" will be taxed 50%.

A repeat offence will result in a 24 hour ban.

I'm serious! BTP should not be a place that can be policed by it's members, thats what the staff are for. If you believe that someone has registered more than one account then feel free to PM an admin, but posts on the public forums are not thw way to go.

Welcome the newcomers, dont chase them off with pitchforks.

If you feel strongly that poeple have multiple acounts... post it in the "IP Shame" Thread... that's what it is there for... Post in there and it will be checked out.
Starting entire threads on poeples nicknames is pointless... thus, yes, this thread should be locked.
13.09.04 15:52
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I've already seen the IP check on Skater/Tha Pixel, and I can tell you right now, it's VERY disappointing. But they (The Pixel(s), Tha Pixel, and Skater) are all the same person.
13.09.04 22:07
Post #15
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