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No, just because are ip's are the same dosn't mean that we are all the same, or it just may happen to be that we all use the same centurytel DSL service.

13.09.04 22:24
Post #16
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That may be correct tho, mabye where all of you (one) come from you have shitty schools and that tells us why you're all so fucking dumb, also your sig is like a mix between mIRC, terrible PHP and some English.

[edit (10th)]
Do you know how long that script took to get to work right?!
13.09.04 22:42
Post #17
Last edited: 13.09.04 22:53 (Knifa - 11 times) [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Skater

No, just because are ip's are the same dosn't mean that we are all the same, or it just may happen to be that we all use the same centurytel DSL service.

You have the EXACT same IP address at times of signup. It's impossible for two computers to have hold of the same address at one point in time.
14.09.04 00:20
Post #18
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function idiot() { alert ("YOU FUCKING IDIOT") }


that may be right though, maybe their all connecting from the same school, unlikely though.

Quoted :: Glenn
You have the EXACT same IP address at times of signup. It's impossible for two computers to have hold of the same address at one point in time.

No, if your on a router, you have to have the exact same ip address, and alot of school use routers.
14.09.04 00:25
Post #19
Last edited: 14.09.04 00:29 (Ripper - 4 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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another mystery solved. good call, ripper.
14.09.04 00:56
Post #20
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Lol routine, why did you anon me when you rated me up ;)
14.09.04 00:58
Post #21
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Quoted :: Ripper

that may be right though, maybe their all connecting from the same school, unlikely though.

Quoted :: Glenn
You have the EXACT same IP address at times of signup. It's impossible for two computers to have hold of the same address at one point in time.

No, if your on a router, you have to have the exact same ip address, and alot of school use routers.

Well, let's hypothetically say they aren't connecting through the school (or a router for the matter). Now is it possible for two places to have the same IP address at the same time?
14.09.04 01:08
Post #22
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i just always anon, that's all.

Quoted :: Glenn

Well, let's hypothetically say they aren't connecting through the school (or a router for the matter). Now is it possible for two places to have the same IP address at the same time?

possibly. if they were on a bridge or some other network device that would allow them to gain access through the same line, yeah. but other than that, i don't know. there's probably more ways of doing it, and other than those, no, i don't think so.
14.09.04 01:08
Post #23
Last edited: 14.09.04 01:21 (routine_error - 1 times) [Hide Sig (1)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Well anyway can you delete this thread? its pointless and nobody cares anymore, and i think someone already deleted tha pixel
14.09.04 01:16
Post #24
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Quoted :: Ripper

Well anyway can you delete this thread? its pointless and nobody cares anymore, and i think someone already deleted tha pixel

it may be locked if it needs to be, but it doesn't look that way to me, and i'd lock it before i'd delete it.
14.09.04 01:23
Post #25
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Quoted :: IP Check

IP Check
Note: The IP Check has only been enabled since the third of April '03, so it won't be able toaccount for old posts...

The user (Tha Pixel) you have selected for an IP check has been posted by a user with an IP of:

The following users had this IP at the time of signup. However, some users on the same ISP may have the same IP when they sign up.

Tha Pixel
The Pixel
The Pixel
The Poxel

The same IP has been used to post 44 messages
These have been posted with username(s) of:

Kill The Cow
Tha 411
Tha Pixel
The Pixel
The Pixel
The Pixel

I've got a way to prove they are the same person. Look at the sign-up dates.
The Pixel - Unknown
The Pixel - Friday, September 10th, 2004 - 05:59:21 PM
The Pixel - Tuesday, September 07th, 2004 - 08:25:09 PM
Tha Poxel - Friday, September 10th, 2004 - 10:04:12 PM
Skater - Sunday, September 12th, 2004 - 10:01:32 AM
Now, at least one of those The Pixel's that I listed (quite possibly two and a good chance of three), have to be on the list of accounts that signed up from the 'school router' IP. Next evidence is Tha Poxel. Since it also supposedly spawned from that IP, don't you find it strange that the person would be in school when absolutely NO ONE was around (the earliest it could have been was 8:30, the latest was 11:30). Finally, the coup de grace, is Skater's sign up date from the SAME IP. It's set for a Sunday. So unless this guys at a university (which as shown by the average intelligence of the posts is very unlikely), this is a personal computer with one person at the controls. I rest my case.
14.09.04 01:31
Post #26
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god who cares just drop the thing, sheesh whats so bad about multipul accounts anyway?
14.09.04 02:42
Post #27
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The whole community. You see, anyone with a multiple account can use the second account to use stuff like auto refresh on the main page over and over and donate the money to the main account. Or just donating whatever money you make to the other one.
Or use another account to keep fucking with everyone if your being an idiot like the pixel or Segasonic. thats what IP ban is for, to keep the guy from making another account and being a nusance to the site. Anything else?
14.09.04 02:48
Post #28
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so what? you can just ip range ban them. and as for the refreshing of the main page/donating money to the main account, who cares? its just money, if one account made money and donated it to the other account, that doesn't make any difference in the money its just makes it different on how its organized.

So sit down, quit bitchin, and DRINK YOUR GODDAMN TEA!
14.09.04 03:38
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Multi-Accounts are not allowed.
14.09.04 05:13
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