
BTForum » Main BTP Stuff » BlameTheMoney » money haters

Poll: what shall we do with money hating jurx!!
ban them!! 1 users
pardon them (u r a lozer if you vote this 1) 4 users
have the admins track their ip and let me hunt them like the pests they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 users
strategically beat them up 0 users
make them do atomic situps 1 users
(new options added by C1) Ban the spammers that want the money so badly 2 users
Beat up the person who started the thread 1 users
Think of more stuff to do with money, so it's more useful 3 users
Eat pie, and forget about money 2 users
Abstain 0 votes
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Quoted :: C1
That's not caring about money. That's caring about the spongebob house. And that's what the money is for Starworms. To buy houses. So it's perfectly fine, that he's doing this. Leave the boy alone.
I never said it wasn't alright for him not to want donated money, but to buy a house you need money. Don't flame me for suggesting someone who might have want the money.

28.07.04 20:07
Post #31
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[G]dj canada
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Quoted :: C1

Leave the boy alone.

A 21 year old "boy" who watches Sponge Bob that is. 8O
05.08.04 04:27
Post #32
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everyone watches spongebob, it's the best show on TV. well, one of them anyway.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
05.08.04 12:37
Post #33
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Quoted :: ReadMe

everyone watches spongebob, it's the best show on TV. well, one of them anyway.

05.08.04 15:01
Post #34
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[]The Pope
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Quoted :: Meiapaul

Quoted :: ReadMe

Do you find cows arousing?



Learn to look, look to learn.
05.08.04 17:05
Post #35
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Quoted :: The Pope

Quoted :: Meiapaul

Quoted :: ReadMe

Do you find pope saying hmmmm arousing?



You know I'm a dancing machine
05.08.04 21:53
Post #36
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and i thought you were a sensible person zog...
06.08.04 17:20
Post #37
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Quoted :: The Wishmaster

and i thought you were a sensible person zog...

06.08.04 22:24
Post #38
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[G]dj canada
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Quoted :: The Wishmaster

and i thought you were a INSANE person zog...

He is not the only one. :D :lol:
06.08.04 22:38
Post #39
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Quoted :: DJ Canada

Quoted :: The Wishmaster

and i thought you were an insane person zog...

He is not The One. :D :lol:

Hmmm...I suck :P
06.08.04 23:11
Post #40
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Quoted :: joetheeskimo5

Quoted :: DJ Canada

Quoted :: The Wishmaster

and i thought you were an insane person zog...

He is not The One. :D :lol:

Hmmm...I suck :Penis

07.08.04 03:08
Post #41
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[G]dj canada
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LOL... ok, no more....
Say what was this thread about again? :D
07.08.04 04:02
Post #42
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[]The Pope
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Randomly offtopic (due to me XD) and no one has re-awoke the topic.


Learn to look, look to learn.
07.08.04 09:01
Post #43
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