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Meh, the file size isn't a big deal. Even on 56K it only takes about 2-3 minutes to submit a 250K replay. And the biggest factor on how big a recording is, is how long the recording lasts :P.

Edit: You still need to add normal and battle race to the list of gametypes.
30.06.04 22:24
Post #46
Last edited: 30.06.04 22:26 (Glenn - 1 times) [Youtube] [Hide Sig (12)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Hmm i see the points have changed.

It was 3 point for a win and -1 for a loss. Now it's 2 for a win and 0 for a loss.

01.07.04 11:57
Post #47
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yeh, rm made me change it ;). They're subject to change at any time atm
only a test season

You know I'm a dancing machine
01.07.04 12:23
Post #48
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[]Star Worms
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Could you put a link to the league on the left menu please, somewhere in the 'main' section would be good:)

01.07.04 20:44
Post #49
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Quoted :: Star Worms

Hmm i see the points have changed.

It was 3 point for a win and -1 for a loss. Now it's 2 for a win and 0 for a loss.

What are you talking about. We should reward people just for playing in the league. 2 for a win and 1 for a lose. If we give negative for a lose, that way you could play 0 games and still be higher than others that played.
02.07.04 04:47
Post #50
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Quoted :: Glenn

Even on 56K it only takes about 2-3 minutes

not true, i have 56k, and its instantly
02.07.04 05:12
Post #51
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The league has been on the menu since yesterday, below forum.

You know I'm a dancing machine
02.07.04 10:03
Post #52
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:o, double post...
so, anyone think we should have some game limits? eg 40 games per season a la CL2k, certain numbers of games per person, something else, or just no limits?

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02.07.04 18:29
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Yeah, 40 games sounds good. And did you forget to add the league to the contents menu because until I posted about it on the news page, it wasn't added.
02.07.04 19:26
Post #54
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It was there. Before I posted that it was only "Go there" underneath the League heading. I said it was below forum though, which was wrong, cause it was actually below files.

You know I'm a dancing machine
02.07.04 19:29
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That's still below the forum, just a little lower than most would think.
02.07.04 19:32
Post #56
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