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I thought I should post this here. Not like I really understand it all but hey I don't want any of you lot to get bugged down with this virus....(sorry for the corny pun;))

27.01.04 21:26
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sounds like btp could have this virus, coz it says it slows down networks!
27.01.04 22:21
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Incidently, is it possible to run a virus scanner over such a big site as BTP?
27.01.04 22:31
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i suppose it is, seeing as you can run a virus scanner over networks in schools, offices and such places so i presume btp would be a doddle
27.01.04 23:20
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pfffff BTP prolly viruses it self heh j/k... wouldn't you just use a simple virus program like McAffe, Norton, EZ-Armor?

27.01.04 23:44
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i doubt the virus is on btp..
28.01.04 00:20
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yeah.... prolly just Star Worms

28.01.04 00:23
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... okay, that wasn't very cool.

Anyway, just run one of those virus checkers above, or even try AVG from Grisoft. That is, if you really want to check the site...
28.01.04 00:47
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I have been getting this email alot, but I don't believe it is possible that an email would actually be opened using the server itself. Anyone reading email would download it to their own computer then open it. Still, I haven't opened it, or the many many versions of it I have, since they're obviously viruses...

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28.01.04 13:59
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Jyst before I found that link I downloaded Ad-Aware.... it found 421 spyware programs on my computer!

28.01.04 16:05
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lol. Get an update from the net for it, it'll find some more...

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28.01.04 16:08
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

some new virus was on web few days ago, i heard it on tv
it delete all things on your PC, so it isnt on bto(probably)
and, you guys should make back-up of your HDD(as i do):)
28.01.04 17:00
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[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Not online within the last half an hour viruses come out every hour. Just that some are more successful than others...

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28.01.04 17:06
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

this one was very powerfull and dangerous
28.01.04 17:15
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Sounds scary. You'd think people would have better things to do in their time then crash peoples computers.
28.01.04 23:03
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