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Okay, here you go. Mangle, kill, muder creatively. Just don't flame.

*jumps out of way*
21.01.04 21:39
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HarrY orders a beer, with only 2 find that the beers are HUGELY expensive. So, he gets a mace out from his pocket and hurls it at the bartender and starts 2 drink the beer straight from the pump

22.01.04 16:28
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[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Guybrush rolls through the door knives in hand but notices the only person in the bar is HarrY so he just throws a chair at him and leaves an IOU some bruises note, with a promise to back later when things get going a bit.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
22.01.04 23:39
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Glenn enters the bar and starts sharpening his invention. What is his invention you ask? It is a sword (YAY!).

'I'll take on any and all challengers. Besides, it'll give me some test data on my invention.'

Glenn gets up, grabs some apple crisp out of the refrigerator, sits back down, and continues to sharpen his sword.
23.01.04 01:28
Post #4
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fuzzball strolls from the bath room and gets up a chair and throws it and the nearest person

opps shouldent have done that it was the mayor...
23.01.04 15:50
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who had appeared out of nowhere?

The wishmaster explodes into the room ( using his demigod powers ) wih fire and smoke and all things cloudy. There is a tremdous heat as he gazes around the room.

he casually sits down next to harry and orders guiness.
23.01.04 15:53
Post #6
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yes urm the mayor is magic?
and fuzzball found out the mayor was the dude with the bounty and ships him 2 the metropolice police station then sits down next the wishmaster, harry and whoever else is there and gets a beer

Fuzzball: whats the news?
23.01.04 16:15
Post #7
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WHO MODDED ME? there was no reason to mod me, fascists :x
23.01.04 16:52
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HarrY begins a game of poker with every one at the table, he deals.

there is 100£ at steak, fuzzball folds as he only has a little pair. glen has a four off-a-kind, HarrY has a 3of a kind and yet thinks he can win. Wishmaster has a just revieved his 2 cards that he orderd. He sees a straight flush in his hands. Just as he was about 2 show every one his hand. A drunken fool falls over the table and knocks all the cards on the floor and enrages wish master.....
every one trys 2 calm ghim down....

23.01.04 17:02
Post #9
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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harry got a black eye and they deal agin the new stake is 500£ fuzzy has 3of a kind but all the rest get nothing but then a robber comes in and steals the money
23.01.04 17:39
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Quoted :: Meiapaul

WHO MODDED ME? there was no reason to mod me, fascists :x

good question....
23.01.04 17:57
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errrm, yes there was a reason 2 mod ur post.
U made a bomb destroy every thing or soemthing like that and then ended the story,.

23.01.04 18:01
Post #12
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Glenn gets up from his seat, and confronts the robber. Drawing his sword from its sheath, he runs up and gives a mighty swing.
*Phwoossh* *CLANG!* *THUD*

Glenn looks on in horror, as the business end of his weapon sinks deep into the wall.

*sigh* "Why do things like this always happen to me? Ah well."

Glenn grabs his bowl of apple crisp, throws it at the robber, and succedes in knocking him out. He then goes to the refrigerator to retrieve another bowl of apple crisp, and starts working on rebuilding the sword.
24.01.04 16:34
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Evil flying cow: Here robber! Come have a lift on my back! We can split the profits!
24.01.04 21:36
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Dvious spots the flying cow, and pulls out a mini-gun dakka dakka dakka down comes the cow and robber in one mighty thud!
18.04.04 00:30
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