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Sites you visit could easily hack you, especially Windows with no firewall and no security patches. I've sometimes seen hits on my firewall from the webservers of sites i'm visiting.

And for those that think IPs are a security risk:


Microsoft tend to go into a lot of detail in their headers, they didn't put the installed security patches list in at least.
05.12.03 18:07
Post #31
Last edited: 05.12.03 23:37 (C1 - 1 times) [] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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damn dats freeky. some1 should have a word with bill gates ya kno
05.12.03 18:55
Post #32
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[]The Pope
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nice image

just noticed there are 3 different ones, thats gd for a jpeg...

Learn to look, look to learn.
05.12.03 18:55
Post #33
Last edited: 05.12.03 18:56 (The Pope - 1 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
Butt Cheek
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yeah, go there itll refresh easier.

05.12.03 19:14
Post #34
Last edited: 05.12.03 23:38 (C1 - 1 times) [Dont go here] [Hide Sig (3)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: The Pope

just noticed there are 3 different ones, thats gd for a jpeg...

Surprisingly enough, it's not a jpeg.
05.12.03 19:18
Post #35
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[]The Pope
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must be a false file extension then.

4 different types btw

Learn to look, look to learn.
05.12.03 19:23
Post #36
Last edited: 05.12.03 19:24 (The Pope - 1 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
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out of curiousity..who's info is that?
05.12.03 23:38
Post #37
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urs i think coz i tried it at a m8s and it brought up some dif info i think if i remember didnt pay to much attention
05.12.03 23:41
Post #38
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[]The Pope
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it does work. it it shows u ur ISP, IP and browser. heh, my ISP (AOL) also brought the message up "AOL Sucks", which is too true.

Learn to look, look to learn.
06.12.03 10:19
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lol C1 why did you edit the post? It only shows your info to you. To everyone else it's their own info. Seen the image before.

To me it's ntl and something beginning with 81. Can't remember the rest of my IP tho :roll:

You know I'm a dancing machine
06.12.03 11:30
Post #40
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This information is not secret and it's not a security risk. See my 404 page:
06.12.03 11:33
Post #41
Last edited: 06.12.03 11:35 (tundraH - 2 times) [] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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lol, i was wondering what it was you were all talking about there. I assume it was the image of the bloke holding the sign? easy enough to do with a bit of PHP with regular expressions and the GD library.

I keep comprehensize stats on my visitors, most websites have visitor log stats anyway but many dont know about them, the ones i use are made by me to track access to my actual website, rather than all the pages on my webserver. If you have the right permissions (a few ppl on here do) you can go to for a complete list, is a much simplified version that anyone can see tho.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
06.12.03 20:29
Post #42
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That's it, I'm posting it again.

The creator has been banned from a forum before for using it in his sig and causing mass hysteria.

And I do keep stats on Philby's site, btw. It at least lets me know when GoogleBot's paying us a visit.
06.12.03 22:44
Post #43
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actually, funny thing that but i got my stats to exclude all bots and counters, so i now have no idea when they are visiting lol.

I do this because many of them dont do sessions and were just filling up my listings, plus my hit counter totals my stats entries.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
06.12.03 22:50
Post #44
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Actually, me excuse isn't very good anyway, because my new counter code doesn't work without cookies and whenever GoogleBot visits I get a 404 in my error log for robots.txt anyway.

Lots of my hits are actually me, and I didn't bother to treat them specially like you.
06.12.03 23:03
Post #45
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