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Quoted :: readme

what connection are you on?

Quoted :: madknifa

512k down 128kb up

You know I'm a dancing machine
03.12.03 15:33
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err..well...any takers?! I WANT TO KNOW
03.12.03 17:11
Post #17
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btw, sentance isn't spelt like that, it's sentence.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
03.12.03 21:37
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ive got the same setup as madknifa, but with a 3mbps (3072kbps) down 256kbps up. the only problem is that atm i dont have an ftp set up for the directory that supports php and mysql. also i dont trust people not to run filthy (something that would crash my comp) code.

oh, and the computer it's running on isn't that great and my IP would show, which doesn't look very professional at all. unless you're running a porn site. heh
03.12.03 21:59
Post #19
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well if they do run something filthy u can just ban their ip addy or a whole range of ips so they cant get on if they reboot there pc to get a dif ip, and i belieive that if u run it from behind a router ur ip is hidden am i correct in beliving that?
03.12.03 23:33
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im pretty sure you can run php to do whatever you wanted and they could take control of my entire PC and rip the guts out of it like childsplay. wouldn't be much banning to do after that.
04.12.03 01:37
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heh, from what ive seen php = god :)

its not just a scripting language, it can do anything it wants.

It can do something equivilent to shell(" dir c:\") followed by shell("whatever") - now imagine if those r remotely set variables :)
04.12.03 03:35
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Erm... it's called safe mode. You can't do any of that stuff if safe mode is on - not without finding some dodgy workarounds.

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04.12.03 08:39
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yeah, but you lose a lot of useful functions, like ftp uploads n stuff. I dont like safe mode at all.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
04.12.03 20:31
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i h8 safe mode coz 9/10 times that ived had to use it i cant fix the prob in safe mode at all.
04.12.03 20:46
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:evil:do u read it? thats not what theyre talking about at all. ok ill stop raggin on dream because ive done it in three threads but... GRR!

and a related question: If I dont have a firewall could the webmaster of any site i go to be able to hack me? I know that you can in btp and on readme's site He even knew what browser i was using... is that just something with the code that u guys can set up? i dont like the fact that people could get my ip from me going to their website.

05.12.03 00:16
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ANY site in the world good see what browser your using, and its easy. You can hack someone from a site, unless its bugged or something like that. someone knowing your IP isnt a big deal either.
05.12.03 15:33
Post #27
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listen to you, ur saying it as if everyone who owns a computer should know.

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05.12.03 16:57
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We'll just because something knows what browser your using doesn't mean someone is hacking you.
05.12.03 17:30
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i think where he was going with the hacking thing was not how he knew what browser he had but by knowing what someone's IP address is...

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05.12.03 17:35
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