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You know how your playing W3D, then you get the familiar sound of someone messaging you on MSN / AIM, and you cant reply? Not any more!

AIBO's Fly Shopper

Get my W3d Minimize Enabler!

Heres how it works:
1. Start my program
2. Start W3D
3. Alt Tab To my program
4. Hit the big button on the upper right
5. minimize my program (keep it running!)
6. you can now minimize W3D by pressing Alt+Space, followed by N.

You can also have W3D behave like a normal program, so you can have other programs in front of it if you first complete the above steps and then clickking "Off Top" in the left "technical" section.

PS: I think this only works if you use the default OpenGL renderer.
04.11.03 04:42
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so your alt-tab enabler doesn't work on w3d then? I guess it's something like worms being set as always on top?

You know I'm a dancing machine
04.11.03 16:40
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Actually, Alt-Tab alway works with W3D. But, because W3D is always on top, you cant see any windows u alt tab to :)

Use this program to allow you to minimize W3D or set it offtop.
04.11.03 18:07
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that's what I said :P


I guess it's something like worms being set as always on top?

I downloaded an "always on top maker" program from a site that someone (maybe pope) linked to, which sets the program in focus to always on top. It might be able to unset something that was already set that way. I can't say I know exactly how it works...

You know I'm a dancing machine
04.11.03 18:19
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It can :)
I use the same methods, its just a simple call to setwindowpos() :)

This is for people that dont have it / want to actually minimize it
04.11.03 20:43
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

that's what I said :P
I downloaded an "always on top maker" program from a site that someone (maybe pope) linked to,

that was me =) has your w3d come today? mine arrived thismorning, so yours should have come too was it not for your stupid postmen :D
04.11.03 21:47
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ordered mine firday night, hopefully it comes tomorrow :)

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
04.11.03 22:43
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ill get it once it comes in stores in canada..which by then (i never go to game stores very often) it will have all the glitches fixed.
04.11.03 22:45
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or you can play now - there are only 2 horrid glitches...
05.11.03 00:29
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ya but now i'd have to order it, get these horrid glitches and more. OR i can wait 5 months and by then sum1 would have been able to get the game and perhaps i can burn it if it's not all copyrighted and shit.
05.11.03 04:21
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OR u could bye it now and play it! playing worms 3d for five extra months is worth the $30 it costs imo.

05.11.03 04:30
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$200000 canadian
05.11.03 06:40
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well hopefully we'll be getting post agin today. Can't tell cause I leave the house before the post arrives :roll:
chances of getting it today are pretty slim, but I can always hope...

You know I'm a dancing machine
05.11.03 12:54
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Same subject, does anyone here have a GeForce Card with latest drivers? Have you tried disabling always on top with nView? I tried it, but it doesn't seem to work in full screen.

*downloads CBWhiz's program*
05.11.03 22:59
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now come back n tell me how much u like it :)
06.11.03 00:39
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