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Butt Cheek
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love it.
works on the demo too. Is there anyway u could make 1 4 wwp? wa can minimize and im jeolous...

06.11.03 01:51
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for wwp, goto programs and get my alt tab enabler. I've heard that works :)
06.11.03 03:25
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i downloaded getting all excited but when u alt-tab out of it it doesnt really go out of it and messed up. it just shows the tool bar at the bottom and you can not get anything from it. above the toolbar is blackness. has ne1 gotten it to work? any tips?

06.11.03 03:42
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Well I dont have WWP myself, so I cant really help. I just know that WA didnt like being minimized sometimes (before the beta patch) so the problem could still be inherent in WWP.

I think if you alt tab to a conversation, talk, then alt tab back to WWP it should work. I dont think it wil minimize though.
06.11.03 04:16
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yeh the alt tab thing tended to crash the worms games about 10-20% of the time, apart from that it worked, but can't really be used if you're doing something er... vital.

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06.11.03 11:21
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Wasnt my fault - blame some sloppy T17 coding :)

I dont recall If I can lock my computer while playing worms eaither. I can in W3D, but i dont think so in WA.
06.11.03 11:28
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I can usually manage alt-tabbing out of W3D without programs. However, it takes ages to get back to the desktop.
17.04.04 16:50
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hmm, this is a really old thread, but meh, at least it was related ;)

I often find it takes ages to change res's . Not sure if that's the graphics card or the monitor...

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17.04.04 20:42
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i find that setting a proggy into win 98 compatibiloty mode in XP will allow you to alt-tab out of it with ease.

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18.04.04 20:42
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interesting, with my comp recently upgraded to xp, I may have to give it a go...

getting hosting to wok on winXP was surprisingly easy, btw.

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18.04.04 20:52
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Quoted :: CBWhiz

Well I dont have WWP myself, so I cant really help. I just know that WA didnt like being minimized sometimes (before the beta patch) so the problem could still be inherent in WWP.

I think if you alt tab to a conversation, talk, then alt tab back to WWP it should work. I dont think it wil minimize though.
It does. And it's been very helpful to me because occasionly online on wwp, I start a game and everybody quits and then the screen goes black and i have to restart the computer. With the Alt Tab enabler I can minimize and close it if neccesary.

19.04.04 11:56
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