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Alight, explain - WTF is a manican, and what happens at 5pm?

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
02.02.05 15:17
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I believe it's a mis-spelling of mannequin -

one of these:

or one of these:

and I really don't think there's much of a meaning to the sentence.

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02.02.05 15:24
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that would have been my guess, but it doesnt even procounce the same,

manican -> "man-ee-kan"
mannequin -> "man-ni-kwin"

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
02.02.05 15:41
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It's how americans would pronounce it(manican), I guess...

02.02.05 15:58
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I've never actually heard it pronounced kwin at the end, everyone I know pronounces it manikin

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02.02.05 16:13
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Quoted :: HarrY

It's how americans would pronounce it(manican), I guess...

c1 is canadian tho i dont know how they talk (it makes no difference how americans say things)
I never heard the word before :P
02.02.05 19:03
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Quoted :: ReadMe

Alight, explain - WTF is a manican, and what happens at 5pm?

Well, someone had to ask this question one day :P


02.02.05 19:43
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Im baffled, why would you want to make out with them anyway?
02.02.05 21:40
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Quoted :: kikumbob

Im baffled, why would you want to make out with them anyway?
*shoots kkb for asking such a dumbass question*

in america (at least) we pronounce it man-ih-ken or similar enough to that. I can't imagine someone saying man-ni-kwen.

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03.02.05 03:26
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I'm not sure really. Some of them do look rather life-like though (as in, actually look like a person).
And man-i-kin is indeed the correct pronounciation. Actually, since people started spelling it that way (made somewhat more sense than the French form's extra letters), many dictionaries have entries for both manikin and mannequin.

As for the 5pm part, that's when most "regular" day-shifts end. After that is the night shift.
03.02.05 03:28
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Hmm I knew that C1 meant Mannequinn but I couldn't be bothered correcting him. I'd never really been sure how to pronounce it though.


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I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
03.02.05 04:42
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It's a joke. I wouldn't actually make out with a manican or mannequinn or however you spell it.
And both manican and mannequinn would be pronouced almost the same except the second spelling would have qu-in at the end.
Thought it's an inside joke so you wouldn't get it. Not sure why I left it in my sig so long. I tend to be too lazy to edit the change profile page.

If someone actually is really interested in the entire inside joke's meaning, msg me on msn.
03.02.05 05:19
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I don't what this manican or manna... whatever is but I don't particularly wanna make out with one.
Especially after 5pm, I'll break the law


03.02.05 17:53
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Well I'll tell the story...because I am bored.

I was with my girlfriend in the middle of the city, sitting on a bench. I can't remember what we were doing..either talking, making out..something along those lines.
Anyways, a police officer comes up and is like "what are you doing?". We both look up and he is like "oh never mind, that's a person beside you". Then after he leaves I ask my girlfriend "what did he think you were? A mannequinn?"

There's more to it, but that's the basic story line.
05.02.05 06:01
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"Inside" jokes as you call them don't work when nobody knows what you're talking about....and especially when they aren't funny ;)
05.02.05 12:30
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