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[G]dj canada
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I had a idea for a game that could be added, one where a worm trys to shoot moving targets with either a shot gun or bow and arrow (both will react differntly), you are alowed say 25 shots and a maxium time limit, scoring will be rated time, accuracy, shots used. diffculty for the moving targets can be selected as easy medium or hard, or PRO... im not sure if aimming should be mouse or arrow keys operated;

i want a game where you get a high score for skills, not for playing a game for half the day like some poeple have on the other games, or with the random pick of the cards with the poker game, also i think you should have to pay 50 BTP dollars to play the game once, and the higher scores could have a slight payback (max payout like 500 mabey)

scoring for the game should be as precise as possible, say max score is out of a million :)

any BTP programers accepting the challege ?

toughts, ideas, comments. Have at you!
14.07.04 05:17
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Holidays tomorrow, back here and on WN.
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Well... 50 BTP credits ? (pounds, btw, £). That's much in my opinion, hehe, but payback is good ! :lol:


Artwork by the wishmaster.

14.07.04 06:07
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[G]dj canada
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well it seems ALOT of the older users have around a good 3000 £ or more.... we got to have them get rid it somehow :)

i dont post as much as others thus I dont have as much, ( i spend it all on the BTP lotery when i have it :D ) but i think 50 is a fair number, 10 tickets in the lotery is 50 :)

14.07.04 06:20
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hmm well I'm learning Java atm so I might like to give something like this a go. If anyone else feels like doing this tho then I'm not stopping you, this would be practice more than anything...
Don't expect it any time soon tho. heh.

You know I'm a dancing machine
14.07.04 11:03
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the way i understand this game is that its like the game at the fair you have a gun which fires corks and you shoot a can which is nailed down and if u knock it off you win (you cant win btw). im havin a blonde moment :D
14.07.04 17:21
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Could you make rusk first zogger? :P
14.07.04 22:17
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[G]dj canada
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whats rusk C1?
14.07.04 23:59
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please not this again!

use the seach function.
15.07.04 00:39
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[G]dj canada
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what am i searching for?

you poeple need to leave more descriptive posts....

i suppose im searching for "rusk" but i rather a quick answere for it be posted HERE so simply poeple will know what is being said and the thread can continue on its oringial topic....

ive been to alot of forums... topics ALWAYS get off topic by junk like this.... just say whats needs to be said and be done with it. dont change a topic by bringing up new ones

PS zogger: why not TEAM up with someone to make such a game. if you team up you can learn more and quicker than by learning java yourself, only my opinion tho, i know nothing about java
15.07.04 01:55
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Quoted :: C1

Could you make rusk first zogger? :P

sorry, but I consider my learning of java (like exams) more important.

You know I'm a dancing machine
15.07.04 16:34
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Quoted :: DJ Canada

what am i searching for?

you poeple need to leave more descriptive posts....

i suppose im searching for "rusk" but i rather a quick answere for it be posted HERE so simply poeple will know what is being said and the thread can continue on its oringial topic....

ive been to alot of forums... topics ALWAYS get off topic by junk like this.... just say whats needs to be said and be done with it. dont change a topic by bringing up new ones

PS zogger: why not TEAM up with someone to make such a game. if you team up you can learn more and quicker than by learning java yourself, only my opinion tho, i know nothing about java

that istnt right. If we start describing what it is, you ask more. And then the threads offtopic. By telling you to search, you can leave and come back to join the games discussion knowledge at the ready. thus not taking it offtopic.
15.07.04 17:49
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PS zogger: why not TEAM up with someone to make such a game. if you team up you can learn more and quicker than by learning java yourself, only my opinion tho, i know nothing about java

You ever tried working collaboratively on a program? unless you're actually both there in real life it's very difficult to see the changes being made on a program in real time so only one person can work at once. Then they can either waste time explaining how it works or the other person will have to figure it tou for themselves.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
15.07.04 19:34
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[G]dj canada
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then make a program that will let you work on a program together without being there in real life :D :D

just kidden, but kinda funny :)
15.07.04 22:53
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