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ShoutMeUpXmas Greetings from waka waka waka waka ChristmasRiddle MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Spleet Except for Spleet. TheAbdBoy Always bummin' a brother out. Spleet Happy New Year everyone! But Spleet. TheAbdBoy Word AssociationAll-10 Ago- MiddleEastern AlphaWolf camel Bloopy toe TheAbdBoy moose knuckle Bloopy MeatLoaf Spleet IdDoAnything4Lo ve AlphaWolf rub n tug TheAbdBoy tugboat The Pope rope Bloopy race TheAbdBoy -Latest- Must be logged in to add new words FictoLeagueYou have to be logged in to vote...Member Stats
Date: 21.11.24. |
Your Comments:
Flamie Said:
welcome back
[03.06.06 05:45 PM]
TheAbdBoy Said:
It was C1!
[03.06.06 05:50 PM]
Flamie Said:
Or spiderman :ninja:
[03.06.06 06:03 PM]
Star Worms Said:
I was actually beginning to wonder if it was C1
[03.06.06 06:58 PM]
xskatex Said:
C1 was my first thought - no lie
[03.06.06 09:13 PM]
xDarKStaRx Said:
yeah... I initially thought C1 as well.. infact I went to his Contra Clan site things message board to see if he was stupidly bragging about doing something stupid...
[03.06.06 10:34 PM]
The Pope Said:
I thought Zog had been lending out porn behind BTP and was caught
[04.06.06 06:29 PM]
joetheeskimo5 Said:
Kick out the most annoying members (besides me) and deete anyone who hasn't been active in 2 years. Problem solved!
[04.06.06 07:39 PM]
Pioneer322 Said:
er, the problem is CPU useage not space...
[04.06.06 08:26 PM]
Zogger! Said:
I suppose resource could sound like disk space, but I would know if the disk usage hit 100%.. it sends out warnings automatically
[04.06.06 10:30 PM]
Pioneer322 Said:
Actually, it could, since pages that list every user (like setting up a mod for a forum or setting tax) could.. well, i dunno. just takes a while to load
[04.06.06 10:37 PM]
Bloopy Said:
BTP kinda is lending out porn via the Sig Uploader.
[05.06.06 06:08 AM]
Star Worms Said:
What is this craft creations link down there? I haven't seen it before.
[05.06.06 07:27 PM]
xDBKxStickman Said:
I also think it is C1 fault.
He has an incredible hate to this website (and also probablay to zog).
And please excuse my bad english.
[05.06.06 08:59 PM]
Zogger! Said:
don't worry about craft creations, unless you want to buy craft materials.. in which case clicky clicky :p
[05.06.06 11:46 PM]
kikumbob Said:
What i this lavatory door doing here? Ive never seen it before...
Its possible I dont know what I mean by that.
Zog, do the number of users contribute to this resource thing?
[06.06.06 06:01 PM]
Psymon Said:
Is the Craft Creations there because you used to/work at a craft shop, Zog? I seem to remeber you working at your parents craft shop or something...
[07.06.06 04:09 PM]
The Pope Said:
Wasn't that Hobby Craft?
[07.06.06 06:43 PM]
Psymon Said:
Company buyout?
[07.06.06 08:19 PM]
The Pope Said:
Not enough craftsmen in England. Bankruptcy
[07.06.06 10:56 PM]
Pioneer322 Said:
advertising? use gewgle ads? :O you can make a shatload of money off google ads... they're funneh
[07.06.06 11:03 PM]
ReadMe Said:
haha, zog's using BTP traffic to drive up pagerank for another site
next step, a google bomb!
[09.06.06 12:32 AM]
Pioneer322 Said:
why arnt any of hte map previews working..?
[10.06.06 01:46 AM]
Zogger! Said:
they're one of the disabled things.
[10.06.06 10:28 AM]
Peltzi Said:
Are they going to be enabled again some day?
[14.06.06 02:06 PM]
Pioneer322 Said:
Id hope he does, BTP isn't the same without them!
[14.06.06 10:32 PM]
Zogger! Said:
I thinkwe'll have to change previews so they aren't generated dynamically. When I get round to writing a script that can convert all current previews to thumbnails it'll happen.
[16.06.06 09:57 AM]
Peltzi Said:
Phew, thank you. You just saved my life.
[16.06.06 05:26 PM]
xXcryNooBcryXx Said:
im new member the blamethepixel.com, hello all
[11.08.06 06:45 PM]
xXcryNooBcryXx Said:
i like east site... he is exellent!
[11.08.06 06:49 PM]