
25.01.04 Users table gone again ...and again ...damn those poxels... once more for me. [S]ReadMe
It comes to something when you get no other news in between the two failing of the users table :(

Dingbats was the casualty this time, please re-sign-up and PM an admin about what you used to have.

Bloopy says: and in a 3rd crash, XxDreamEaterxX has been lost, but no funeral, he can sign up again. In a 4th crash it seems []joetheeskimo5 was the casualty... lest we forget.

well dreameater - we lost you yet again... bl there.

Your Comments:

[]HarrY Said:
whe will this be all fixed??? so no users ever get lost

you could just make a mirror user table

[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

[S]Zogger! Said:
I really don't think a mirror users table will work...
a) It's doubling the amount of space the users table takes up
and b)it would have to do just as many (and the same) queries on that table, so it would double the number of queries needed per page, and they'd probably both go at the same time

[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

[]HarrY Said:
how about mirroring certain users, users who wish 2 have their user mirrord. it could cost them, like life insurance:P
[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

[]Star Worms Said:
I'm going to keep a record of what I have just in case it happens to me.
[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

[]SPAZ doesn't care if it happens to me.
[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

[S]Zogger! Said:
lol HarrY, you're just repeating all your ideas from an old news post
[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

[S]CBWhiz Said:
zog: we could program in weekly backups (ie, weekly like how the lotto auto-draws) and write a user dropped detection script. Then we could copy the missing row over automagicly, while it updates the post & thread count.

or we could be lazy.

[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

[S]Bloopy Said:
I was here when the latest crash happened so I took note of some stats. Here's XxDreamEaterxX's stats:

Posts: 280
Threads: 3
Money: £301.35

[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

[G]jay Said:
what exaclty is causing this?

last night i alerted readme to a prob with the forum... now this.

and zog, why dont you write a script thing t remove users who have not been onto btp in 3 months, it could solve alot of space problems i would presume

[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

[S]Zogger! Said:
interesting idea, cb(geebee), however the missing user would have to have signed up before the last backup (not a huge problem)...

it could also be useful for actually backing up the database on my computer, as the current database is too big to backup, the page just times out when I try... This could copy selected tables into a different database, though.

[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

[B]C1 Said:
ok this is getting anoying. Delete the sent pms, delete sum of the old threads that had high posting and just make sure you keep a record of those posts. Then we won't have so many crashes
[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

[]Glenn Said:
Stupid question time :P. I have been getting some 'maximum threshold reached' errors. Could that possibly be what causes the member tables to break?
[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

[]Star Worms Said:
I've noticed it tends to be the social users or those who visit a lot. I visit a lot too :-/
[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

[S]Bloopy Said:
The more you visit the more chances you have of crashing :| I don't think those maximum threshold errors are related, I'd never seen them before
[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

[]Star Worms Said:
I see them quite a lot, though I'm pretty sure it must be when there are too many people on the site at the same time. However last time I saw it (when the error went) there were only about 11 people on. I only usually get that error when there are over 20 people on here. I sure hope it will get fixed soon :|
[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

[]HarrY Said:
i want life insurance!!
how much does it cost and give it me!

[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

[]daveroda Said:
why not just backup the users database every night or something
[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

[]Glenn Said:
It takes too much time and space :roll: .
[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

[]SPAZ Said:
[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

[]Zippy Said:
Why worry about a lost table if an admin can restore it!
[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

[]Star Worms Said:
Why do you think people have lost their accounts? Because they can't restore it (i think) because they have no back up or something. And they can't get a back up because that would take up too much space and it would probably go at the same time as the real user table anyway. I've decided to take a picture of my info in my profile daily anyway, just to be dafe. Better safe than sorry:)
[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

[]Glenn Said:
Um... well, the whole point is if the table is lost, site goes *boom*, and you have to wait for the admin to come restore it anyway. So why waste time and space backing up, when it takes just as much time to do it yourself. That is, unless they can find some clever way to get the table to replace itself when it goes down...
[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

[]joetheeskimo5 Said:
Oh, wonder I couldn't login. :(
Am I allowed to ask an admin to change all my settings back to original now that I've re-registered?

Anyway, bTP is back up :)

[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

[]joetheeskimo5 Said:
Hm, actually, now that I think about it I don't remember....:'(
[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

[B]C1 Said:
Ok, just delete the sent pms, detete old ask the pixel questions, etc. We have tons of useless stuff just waiting to be deleted.
[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

[]joetheeskimo5 Said:
Some new pl like to go back and read the old stuff, like I did when I first joined so I could get an idea of what to ask the pixel.
[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

[]Glenn Said:
*SIGH* Well, we've got to get rid of something. Maybe we should make that the new poll...
[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

[]joetheeskimo5 Said:
Hm, good idea
[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

[S]Bloopy Said:
CBWhiz has done a bit of coding, hopefully we no longer need to wait until whiz/zog/readme come along to repair it. Also I believe there will be a weekly backup of the user table.
[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

[S]CBWhiz Said:
in progress bloopy, in progress :)

so far i have manual backup and manual restore of users working.

Auto repairing any table works (in theory) and all i'll need to do is hook up the user manual restore to the auto table repair, once the manual stuff works.

[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

[G]sonicrazy Said:
Man. Between this and the T17 forum crashing at the end of October nd into November? I think the pixels are trying to tell uss something...
[01.01.70 12:10 AM]

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