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ShoutMeUpXmas Greetings from waka waka waka waka ChristmasRiddle MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Spleet Except for Spleet. TheAbdBoy Always bummin' a brother out. Spleet Happy New Year everyone! But Spleet. TheAbdBoy Word AssociationAll-10 Ago- MiddleEastern AlphaWolf camel Bloopy toe TheAbdBoy moose knuckle Bloopy MeatLoaf Spleet IdDoAnything4Lo ve AlphaWolf rub n tug TheAbdBoy tugboat The Pope rope Bloopy race TheAbdBoy -Latest- Must be logged in to add new words FictoLeagueYou have to be logged in to vote...Member Stats
Date: 21.11.24. |
Your Comments:
ReadMe Said:
woo, wahey etc i've just ordered my copy.
[01.01.70 12:07 AM]
HarrY Said:
but whats a poxel?
[01.01.70 12:07 AM]
The Pope Said:
a set of olygons which team17 have specially created to handle land disruption/change
[01.01.70 12:07 AM]
HarrY Said:
do u mean polygons??
[01.01.70 12:07 AM]
SPAZ Said:
poxels is a mutant pixel/polygon isnt it?
[01.01.70 12:07 AM]
Squirrel Said:
poxel is your mom, tehehe
[01.01.70 12:07 AM]
routine_error Said:
i hate poxels.
pixels still exist, but they do not effect the game in the same way as they did in our beloved 2 dimensions.
[01.01.70 12:07 AM]
knifa Said:
wormnet3 is fucked.. it puts me back to the menu when i host and start =/
[01.01.70 12:07 AM]
SPAZ Said:
well i reckon i'll be getting w3d in the next few monthes.
[01.01.70 12:07 AM]
C1 Said:
ya SPAZ is right. WHEN PEOPLE DESCRIBLE POXEL SAY WHAT HE JUST SAID! Seeing as i used that name first to describe a mutant pixel..which is kinda was a 3d pixel is if u think about it.
[01.01.70 12:07 AM]
SPAZ Said:
well i think i remember someone saying it was a mutant. I think it was c1
[01.01.70 12:07 AM]
HarrY Said:
what does a poxel look like?
[01.01.70 12:07 AM]
SPAZ Said:
actually i think it was dingbats who siad it and C1 critisied him.
A poxel looks like a 3d pixel. like a cube i think???? dunno coreect my if im wrong
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
HarrY Said:
i think it looks like an 8 sided shape thingy but 3d. ive the land seems 2 b made up of em
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
Bloopy Said:
I'm not sure that you can see poxels... poxels are placed in 3D space and the polygons are formed around them, you see the polygons
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
shwan Said:
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
C1 Said:
no no ALL WRONG AGAIN! Pixels can come in that way. But they come in all different ways seeing as it's mutant. Just like on Xmen they're different types
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
Zogger! Said:
I don't think you're the auhority on poxels, Do you actually know this? Can you provide a link to prove that what you're saying is true
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
HarrY Said:
yeah i wanna find some facts about all these poxels
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
Docta_Shade Said:
dont dedicate this site to Worms3D some of us still have shi* computers which can only handle 2d WA
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
CBWhiz Said:
I for one agree with bloopy.
Poxels are never rendered, only the 3d polygons are, which are rendered into pixels. So gnah.
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
no dude it would be a DIFFERENT site
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
HarrY Said:
lol yeah, it clearly ses that zogger will make a NEW site
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
SPAZ Said:
WAHAYA just ordered w3d for gamecube for £36.99 I didnt want to get it for my pc coz i dunno wether it could take it.
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
SPAZ Said:
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
HarrY Said:
awww shame u didnt get it 4 pc
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
ReadMe Said:
oh yes, 32% complete i pwn j00 all
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
SPAZ Said:
WIAT I HAVE......... 27% DAMN
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
tundraH Said:
29%. I cba to go back and unlock all the maps by getting gold.
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
Zogger! Said:
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
SPAZ Said:
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
The Pope Said:
41% on GC, kis my and my m8's asses!
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
ReadMe Said:
ahem, 79% atm.
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
SPAZ Said:
n%b. Actually my % has been updates since yesterday. YES 42% UNLOCKED I PWN JOO. ReadMe you cant of got that % unless you were on it 34/7 test: 1
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
Zogger! Said:
gah I'm only on 61%, dunno how you managed it readme, heh. I was playing for ages last night - but then alot of that was me playing the "thingy in OK thingy" missions over and over again.
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
HarrY Said:
i have someting like 54% but i have found all 3 ester eggs. i think there r 3.
also read me. why is ur wn name blazor?
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
Zogger! Said:
3? lol there's more than 3.
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
ReadMe Said:
erm, my wormnet name is ReadMe, always has, always will be. Oh yeah, 85% now, done all of the challenges, u unlock weaps from them, do all 10 deathmatches and u get nuke
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
HarrY Said:
some fool told me he was called read me and when i asked y he has changed his name he changed the subject.
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
Zogger! Said:
Yeh I've seen BlaZoR on a few times, guess he's a bit er... impostery.
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
HarrY Said:
when will this blame the pokel site be up and running?
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
Zogger! Said:
hopefully sometime before the 20th .
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
its amazing how many comments there are. is this a new record?
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]
tundraH Said:
We don't care.
[01.01.70 12:08 AM]