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I goit Windows Vista Ultimate, but WWP doesn't seem to work properly, I can get it to boot but with graphical corruption.. now I can seem to get rid of the corruption by ticking the "disable desktop composition" in the compatibility tab of the wwp.exe properties.

But while this does work on boot, and i can play fine, as soon as I go in a second map (so 1st game works) it corrupts again, so I gota reboot wwp every other map :(

Is there a working vista patch out ?

19.04.07 17:03
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if there was one youll be able to find it on or on the team17 forum

ehrm... one sugestion: you have installed a graphichs card driver?!

good luck
19.04.07 17:31
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it could be a driver issue. Haven't tried WWP on vista... If you have an NVidia card you could try installing the beta drivers cause they've been much better for me in other games. I think there's a link to 101.41 on the page for the current drivers

edit: err looks like they released 158.18 ( :o ) yesterday

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19.04.07 17:45
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nah got a ati card :) with latest vista drivers
19.04.07 21:40
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My own copy of Worms World Party does not work in Windows Vista.
Can someone make No-CD patch for Windows Vista?
30.12.07 09:33
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I've tried WWP on Vista, the way I got it working was by making it backwards compatible.

I right-clicked on the shortcut, the 'Compatibility' and run it under 'Windows XP Service Pack 2'.

Note: other people I know have had problems doing this. So, by the looks of things it only works for some, not all.

It's worth a try though.


30.12.07 21:38
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This will help I have windows vista ultimate x64 and now is working
I dont know iff you find the solution and i dont have the time to read all the forums. Excuse my english, i dont speack wreally well but i only try to help here.
When i instaled windows vista on my PC the game WWP stoped working properly. The resolution becomed 16 colors and reverted. After long searces i find the problem and the problem is that in Windows Vista, a new object called Desktop Windows Manager consumes most colour-efficient resources providing people the 'Aero' effect.
In most games, the 'Aero' effect in Windows Explorer won't allow necessary resources to run the game. And for that i foud this "FIX". It worked for me and i am gladfool to his creator, and i want to share this with other WWP lovers.
Fallow this link:
26.11.08 22:33
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Duh, what should I say? It ONLY works on Windows XP. P.S - Doncha just hate WA?

Spyro rocks. Origanal and Hero Eras. Both of them are awsome.

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16.01.09 17:41
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It works on Vista.
I have Vista Ultimate and I have been playing it without any problems for a long time.

Here is how to do it:

task Manager
shut down explorer.exe (seems like a bad idea, but this actually works!)
then you just choice "new activety (run...)" from task manager and run wwp.exe from its standard directory.
Now the game works without shutting down and without strange colourbus and so on.

Come in and play the greatest game of all time!
07.04.09 15:59
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What?!For many users n me wont work on Vista.(nit for many but for another :P)

08.04.09 14:54
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Quoted :: MatteKalle

It works on Vista.
I have Vista Ultimate and I have been playing it without any problems for a long time.

Here is how to do it:

task Manager
shut down explorer.exe (seems like a bad idea, but this actually works!)
then you just choice "new activety (run...)" from task manager and run wwp.exe from its standard directory.
Now the game works without shutting down and without strange colourbus and so on.

Come in and play the greatest game of all time!

That sounds like a huge hassle for me.

09.04.09 01:55
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