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Hi guys. I could really need some help with setting everything up so i can host wwp games. It seems impossible to configure everything so it will work.
I will take everything from the beginning, my english is not the best but i hope you will understand everything anyway.

First, i downloaded the worms override ip 2 program and installed it. After that, i tried to host a game but it wouldn't work. I talked with a guy, and since i have a router and am using a laptop, he told me I had to open some ports on my router. (btw, I have a dlink router and have windows xp media center edition installed on my pc). I found a guide on team 17's webpage that told me to open ports 80, 6677, 17010-17012 on my router. I also downloaded a guide from BTP that told me to do pretty much the same, but it also said I should change to PPPoe from dynamic ip.

So I changed to PPPoe on my router, and internet failed. I reset my router, and changed back to dynamic ip. Then I tried to open the ports in my router (I think I did right) and tried to host a game once more. No result. I'm starting to get really confused, since I dunno what to do. First of all, what do I have to do to fix it? I have edited my registry so worms will override ip, and I know I have to open those ports somehow, but is there anything else I need to do? Second of all, I dunno how to open the ports properly. Here is a dump of how the router page looks like, hopefully someone will know what to do.Image

13.04.07 18:19
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Orangie Orgy
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WWP has some very annoying hosting problems
I could never get hosting to work with that damned game
Sorry to say, I have no solution since WWP is full of holes. W:A is much better since it is more updated and hosting actually works (A Force IP option that WWP FOR SOME FREAKING REASON doesn't have)
13.04.07 19:25
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Yeah, wwp seems to be very buggy. But on the other hand, hosting works for many, and a lot of them also has routers. So there's got to be a way to fix this. Just need someone to explain what to do and how :D. Anyone else who has an idea?
13.04.07 20:13
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Someone must know which ports to open??? Please, I really want to get started hosting wwp games. If someone takes a few minutes, and look at my first mess and the picture i linked to, and give me some help, i would be very happy
14.04.07 19:43
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Orangie Orgy
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The ports you have open are correct, if you can't host, then you can't host...

Other than using some tools on the programs part of the files section on btp, here's an interesting text file tutorial thingie that you could try:

- Select 'Run...'.
- Type 'regedit' and select 'OK' to display the registry editor structure.
- Select down through the directory structure to

'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Team17SoftwareLTD\Worm sWorldParty\NetSettings'.

- Select 'NetSettings'.
- Select 'AddressOverride'.
- Replace the '0' value with '1' and select 'OK'.
- Select 'Exit' from the editor 'File' menu.
- It should now be possible to host games successfully.

...or just solve all your problems and get W:A :D
14.04.07 21:59
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It turned out that I had opened the ports, rather than port forwarded them on my router. I found a site that had a guide that told me exactly how to do, it even had dumps of how to fill in the data in my specifik router. Now everything is working fine, and I can finally host!:D

I had already done the adressoverride thing, but thanks anyway. But seriously, it's extremely hard to find any good help on internet with this thing. Just some crappy tutorials, and a lot of talk about which ports to open, but nothing about how. Once I found the homepage about how to port-forward, it only took me like 10 minutes to fix everything. I have now wroted my own tutorial, it's easy and everyone should understand exactly how to configurate so they can host successfully. It's strange that the best help often comes from yourself:?
15.04.07 10:34
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Are there any programs (firewalls, autoupdate-progs etc.) running in the background, auto-started in the msconfig that can disadvantage your wwp-expirience?
15.04.07 14:25
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Open ports? I thought that was the same as forwarding... must be something new to me
15.04.07 18:18
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I think he's referring to the difference between opening ports on a firewall and forwarding ports on a router... Technically they're not really interchangeable but I think when someone says open or forward ports they are referring to both with one term


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15.04.07 19:32
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Hi there! Read your problem and I guess I can help you. I also started low, but I finally managed to host. OKE, so the first thing you want to do is uninstal the game and clean everything left behind it. Then install it back properly. I understood you have a router. If so, forward the same ports you said you tried, but also add, 6677. Then, THE IP, VERY IMPORTANT. It should not start with 10. or 192.168 or 169.254. Go to to find your IP. Then input it in the game's setting. Also, I MANAGED TO HOST WITHOUT ANY ADDITIONAL SOFTWARE! So you should be able to do so too. And yes mofify that registry too :
'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Team17SoftwareLTD\Worm sWorldParty\NetSettings'.
'NetSettings>AddressOverride> Replace the '0' value with '1' and select 'OK'.
I am more than sure that you specifid the IP shown under LOCAL AREA CONNECTION. That IP is internal. WWW.WHATISMYIP.ORG shows the EXTERNAL IP. That is what you need. Hope this helped and I wish you luck.;)
21.08.09 08:51
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