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never jeard muse feh..I'm not such a hater either. Like I said, I got opinions and I stick with em. A band getting on trl generyy wudnt make m fake, it's just that those rre the only bands who seem to get on trl, go figure. And if I shouldnt get caught up in labels, why are you even mentioning some of those bands are "punk"? a tad bit hypocritical to amke one statemnt, and then go on to lebl others. You'd think I'm an intorlerant asshole, but I'm not see. If' you'dve known the shit and not just the music, but what the bands had to go thru back in then 80s to get heard, you'd relise that "headstrong rockers" punk bands are hot topic bozos too. There cute and laughable. Nuth'n cute about it hen the actual shit waz goin down form what I've heard n seen. Nor is there anythjing worng with cute n laughable bands, but to say there a punk band is just a farce. Heh, lastly, about your catch ups....
dont get so caught up in a thread man, it's only a lil exchnge o information. As I see, this thread has claerly gon past the point of stupid, so I be deletin before the weeks out. Then we wont hafta worry about any1 elses opinions bothering sum1...
oh well
08.10.03 22:22
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hmm i disagree w/ all of pple here. all the stuf u guys r talkin about is fake shiit. u gott alisten 2 sum REAL music like frank satra and the rat pack. or how bout sum good ole country

08.10.03 22:31
Post #32
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And if I shouldnt get caught up in labels, why are you even mentioning some of those bands are "punk"? a tad bit hypocritical to amke one statemnt, and then go on to lebl others

punk rock is a genre, u seem to forget im calling it punk apossed to ur ''croporate pieces of, shit, ''
or ''pop rock, or with crappy teeny bopper music.''
if a band plays punk music , its fuckin punk, whether its on mtv or @ ur local pub.
im not sayin u gotta like it.

sum REAL music like frank satra and the rat pack. or how bout sum good ole country

all music is real, but yea, i gotta a few gigs of some classics like that.
how bout rosemary cloony or w/e.
and i like country 2

09.10.03 02:51
Post #33
Last edited: 09.10.03 02:54 (tEfLoN - 1 times) [Hide Sig (1)] [Profile] [Quote]
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"punk rock is a genre, u seem to forget im calling it punk apossed to ur ''croporate pieces of, shit, ''
or ''pop rock, or with crappy teeny bopper music.''
if a band plays punk music , its fuckin punk, whether its on mtv or @ ur local pub."

( doesnt know how ta quote ne other way..anyotherwaz...)

yea, but the "fuckin punk" bands yer refering to arent punk bands at all. That a fact, not an opinion. The shit thats bein refered to isnt an evolutionary step in punk or whatever the fuck, it's got nothing to do with it. Except it n move just isnt, and thats all there iz to it. Like it or not, agree or not, thats the way it is. You can choose to ague the point despite having no knowledge of which to base your agument on, or u can take the facts, andy. Simple as that.
09.10.03 03:44
Post #34
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lol feind
nt but no.
u have no idea what bands i was refering 2.
alot of those bands are punk.
u are ignorant there pal.

"You can choose to ague the point despite having no knowledge of which to base your agument on"
^^^those werds are all wasted^^^
wtf are u sayin?

rofl, feind, u still dont get the point that ur 'opinions' are ur OPINIONS
and im only here to tell u so.
i like bands that u like.
i know what punk rock is.
NYPR is bigger then ull ever know.
Bad Religion, Millencolin, Goldfinger,
all play styles of PUNK ROCK
lmao u can say what u want..

once again ur just hatin
there isnt anything u could say to me to
not belive that. plain n simple.

lol @ thats a fact.
so what are u basing ur arguments on?
ur just a lil punk that saw rocker post
and didnt see any of ur fav bands that 'struggled'

lol hf arguing, im done.

09.10.03 05:14
Post #35
Last edited: 09.10.03 05:14 (tEfLoN - 1 times) [Hide Sig (1)] [Profile] [Quote]
[G]fizix, obviously.
2 Things.

Teflon is right about well, everything.
I know more about guitars than you all.
09.10.03 05:24
Post #36
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

Who are you Fizix?
09.10.03 07:46
Post #37
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[]The Pope
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a guest. Hence the word Guest in the user info box.

Learn to look, look to learn.
09.10.03 17:42
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he does have a username I'm surprised he's not logged in. It is him tho'. IP check...

You know I'm a dancing machine
09.10.03 18:06
Post #39
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lol fizix, ;D
yes but he is a person , hence his ability to
type as guest ;D

[]teflon$1checks popes site for any new music =D

(edit) indeed zogger, i dint see ur post (edit)
09.10.03 18:07
Post #40
Last edited: 09.10.03 18:08 (tEfLoN - 1 times) [Hide Sig (1)] [Profile] [Quote]
[]The Pope
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[]The Pope$1has starting making another piecew of music altho not with fruity loops. Still learning. It's quite complicated. I'll will've made a new track within a week, im very slow...

Learn to look, look to learn.
09.10.03 18:34
Post #41
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I'll tell you what I'm saying tef...ok get yer readin glasses on? ok make sure...squint if you cant see this....


I hope you can understand that a lil better now. No, nt tef, ( whatever I waz trying...I dunno) Anywayz...No, you want to hear some punk bands that are for real, listen to Crucafix, Flipper, Minor Threat. You hear those, and you'll shit yerself. You tellin em I',m ignorant? Sorry, but unless you were apart of those scenes ( I know I wasnt) you cant tell me your more knowledgeable then ne else on what punk is suposed to sound like. I wasnt old enough to be apart of any of these scenes, so I made sure to know my shit thru recordings, articles, etc etc. I'll forget more about that shit in my sleep than you'll ever know. Funny thing is, I've actually heard pretty much all the bands yer talking about, and judging by that, I can tell you what I think aout them. You have heard mabe 1? no probally not any of the bands I'm talking about ( And no, Ramones n Sex Pistols arnt what I'm ytalkin about). You got a bit to learn, and a bit you'll never learn, cause you can enver uderstand. My opinions are my opinoins, they arent changing yours, and yours arent canging mine. Whatever. YOu dont know and never will. I'm glad your done, cause it's bore hearing you spew the same load o shit post after post ( I know I'll be haer that again sed about me:)
I'm not a hater...I got opinions, and theres certain facts that are tru, undenialbel. but yer so closed minded to think for a seconf that theres more to what I've been saying tahn "this sux" or "that sux".
Have fun with yer cock rock bands, your rap, or whatever it is you listen to. This threads long done
09.10.03 23:50
Post #42
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hey fiend,
again, nt ;D
im not even reading past what ill reply too.
cuz again, u have no idea,
i listen to those bands
when i was in high school alot of good music came my way, and i was a part of the 'scene'
even when i was 8 i already knew what euro punk had adapted too.
so too stop ur bitchin my 'knowlage base w/e' is up to code so choke on this last post, lol the only reason i posted was 'and u proved it to be right by dragging on this untill u find out i do know wassup' that u only hated on rockers post cuz u didnt see any true heart punk, either way those bands are punk, lol nuff said..

OK i raed whole post now..
u are a narrow minded fool!
i listen to 'rap' and i listen to country
to jazz, blues ,
so NT! @ I'll forget more about that shit in my sleep than you'll ever know
ive been to more of those shows then u can read articles on.

so HF listing to just ur punk and reading old articles!
ill take in all the music fuka !

pope, i would be happy to hear from u even if it takes forever, music isnt sumthin to be rushed, a band or musician can spend 10 years writing awsome music that becomes there 1st albulm, and then be rushed by a label to make 3 albulms in 3 years, lol
so the more time u put into it, the better.
besides ask bloopy, hes been w8in forever for me to give him a track.
10.10.03 03:04
Post #43
Last edited: 10.10.03 03:27 (tEfLoN - 5 times) [Hide Sig (1)] [Profile] [Quote]
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uh, I tahught you were done. Oh damn. Oh well, congrats on yer heroic postin. You sure showed me. Again, you dont kknow and never will. What evre. Still dont know what "nt" means in relevance but whatever floats yer boat. You n I have switched places in this argument. Now your playing the "I know what I'm talking about and you dont" card. So hf Tef! Imitation is the ebst form of flattery, so I guess this means you must really, really like me!
Yer so sweet!
You deserve some cash for that!
10.10.03 23:54
Post #44
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listen here punkybrewster ;D
it takes a big man to do what you did.
i really apreciate it.
all i intended was to let you know that
ur opinions on poppunk and w/e were urs.
i do understand alot of your points.
however if i was just some guy who likes pop punk i could see ur points.
but ur preachin to the quire (cant spell)
i like alot of ur bands too and i dug the scene.
so w/e thx feind

maybe you can hit me up on aim and i could put you on to some bands that maybe you would shit ur pants.
belive it or not, alot of newer 90's bands from ny are v talented.
11.10.03 02:44
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