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Wooden Hat
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By now, money are quite useless. There is no houses to buy and I can't play poker when I get £6000. Why aren't there more to use money on? Like a multiplayer minigame as I wrote in my thread "More things"...

and by the way, tax don't stop spam for those that don't care about money... :?

An image!
16.09.03 17:32
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there aren't more games because surprisingly (note the sarcasm) it does actually take time to write these things. And it takes effort, too. Us people have more things to worry about too, like actual work. :P

You know I'm a dancing machine
16.09.03 17:45
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Wooden Hat
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Okay, but just sitting on a lot of money that can't be used is very boring...:(

An image!
16.09.03 18:00
Post #3
[Softbrain Software] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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So learn to code and make us some games then, u wanna play? give us something to let u play.

If you log out/donate money then you'll be able to play poker again. If you don't want ppl to get ur money then donate to me - 100% tax see?

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
16.09.03 19:09
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Wait a second! The houses are coming soon!:D
16.09.03 19:14
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Wooden Hat
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Quoted :: ReadMe

So learn to code and make us some games then, u wanna play? give us something to let u play.

OK, I'll be back after a few of years when I learned some code! :lol:

An image!
16.09.03 19:26
Post #6
[Softbrain Software] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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well as ive said before...take 20% off of everyones money that has over 150.
16.09.03 20:08
Post #7
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why? that solves nothing except to make them complain about loosing their money. Remember what you do everytime i knock a bit of cash off you??

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
18.09.03 19:10
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no i got angry cause ur on unfair sob. cause u took money off me and not everyone. taking off 20% off all over 150 would just even the money and make everyone be less rich and the houses would be harder to achieve. believe me its a smart idea.
18.09.03 23:32
Post #9
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if u dont like the selection of houses, produce an image and ask. I did, and now I reside in a can of tuna! I'm no psudo celeb on btp, I jus did my own werk and the admins ezily acomidated me. Oh yea, also, why not proposemore stuff 2 buy? DIY is the ebst way to get what ya want 8)
06.10.03 06:04
Post #10
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i gave all my money away
06.10.03 10:54
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u Sure? you still have about 200 left
(damnit! [S]ReadMe's sig is making mine all screwed :S)

06.10.03 13:53
Post #12
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i eneded up with less than 4 pounds, ask pope he saw it, i have worked my way up. also i like ure posts background but it takes fucking ages on 56k to load! :cry:

the country sucks!
06.10.03 15:03
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yeah. u were down to scraping the gum of n%b's shoes. I also came up from 5 pounds to what I have right now. Well actually i got up to £24,000 but now its all gone to ppl worthy of it.

Learn to look, look to learn.
06.10.03 16:39
Post #14
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what about my sig?

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
06.10.03 21:12
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