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Poll: SHould I make Contra Clan have the same design as the desing i made here for btp?
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hey i was thinking seeing as i like my design so much if i should do it for contra as well? i have kinda a desing like this but a bit different. vote of post ur opinion
old design---> <--old design

new design---> <--new design

i added the btp sign to see if the blue would look good with that banner. It indeed does but i have to get rid of some anoying pixels off it first
08.09.03 23:37
Post #1
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:) both designs are great, if possible you should have a choice between them. otherwise go for the new one


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
09.09.03 06:07
Post #2
[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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k but how can i choose? i wanted to do that but i dont know how i can make an option to choose.
09.09.03 21:46
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i like #2 =D
i cant see # 1
sup bloopy ;D
09.09.03 23:16
Post #4
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ok thats at everyone thought...can u tell me if u like my banner i made?
09.09.03 23:44
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i think thats hot , vnj =D
09.09.03 23:56
Post #6
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Not online within the last half an hour the beginning of next week i should have my site changed hosts and have the design like that. PS zogger when the site crashes u have the El Disatree thing before. how do i have that instead of a Page Cannot Be Displayed page.
10.09.03 00:29
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C1, i'm changin' the design of my site too! (Yay!) It'll be similar to Dumazz's site

10.09.03 00:35
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o cool. u mean like the contents he has?
10.09.03 00:41
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Quoted :: C1

PS zogger when the site crashes u have the El Disatree thing before. how do i have that instead of a Page Cannot Be Displayed page.

heh, it's "urgh, disasteur", and it's only for when the database is down not the rest of the site. In terms of a 404 error when someone types the page URL wrong - if you're doing it on the BTW host then you can upload a .htaccess file. I'll show you how to do that if you want a custom 404 page, but the urgh disasteur page isn't possible for just when the host is down entirely.

You know I'm a dancing machine
10.09.03 14:55
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ok thanks. thats wat i wanted. hmm that sucks it doesnt do it when its down too cause it does go down lots :P
10.09.03 19:52
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seems that for some reason the pages are coming out odd sizes. and the over lib messes some of the spots up. how would i be able to make it so the page reforms back to its normal size and so its the right page size?

see some of the links work try BnG thats a page ive done so far. see it gets all messed up. how would i fix this?
11.09.03 02:07
Post #12
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The new design looks better on BTP.
13.09.03 14:53
Post #13
[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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thats nice to hear...i made both so go get a life u spammer...and post something worthwhile instead of ur spamming shit
13.09.03 17:21
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i think u should make a site like no other coz btp has the website design allready so to most ppl ina way its not urs coz its not solely for YOUR cclan site u c but personnally the design is cool maybe you could adapt it somehow to previous designs to make a new improved one:mrgreen:
18.09.03 23:25
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