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Poll: Which weapon are you looking forward to use in Worms 3d.
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Quoted :: The Wishmaster

its gonna be hella hard 2 make anything in w3D

u cant just whip out paint nemore :cry:
Yeah, nut in W3D, there will be a mission editor (maybe for downloading, if isn't) and there you create your missions and terrains in 3D.

An image!
12.09.03 18:24
Post #31
[Softbrain Software] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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ya now its like impossible. harder then even sims to make stuff probably. or at least to make something awesome...someone will make a program tho. probably..but ya worms should be flexible. thats another reason why its so nice. Graves, flags, images, editing the game, saved files, maps, sounds,etc...
12.09.03 21:47
Post #32
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fair enuf but my 7yo bro coudnt make his grave could he, and customization 4 me is a major part of the game
13.09.03 10:31
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[]The Pope
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yeah, same here. I love showing off a newly made flag or grave.

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13.09.03 10:33
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I don't think it's possible to create flags in W3D. I think some Team17 staff member said that in the W3D forum. And probably it's not possible to create graves either.
14.09.03 08:56
Post #35
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well I think there's flags in the screenshots, so I don't see why it wouldn't be possible to make them. Graves tho I don't know...


a now its like impossible. harder then even sims to make stuff probably. or at least to make something awesome...someone will make a program tho. probably.

heh, you can't say that, you've never tried using their map editor. They so it's going to be good but we'll just have to wait and see.

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14.09.03 08:57
Post #36
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Statusless? Maybe
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

Hay, I have 3D StudioMax 5 and I am very good at using it.
Would there be way to create maps with 3DSM?
06.10.03 15:43
Post #37
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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no. I'm pretty sure you can't import meshes anyway. If you can (v. slim chance) then they definately won't be destructible.

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06.10.03 15:54
Post #38
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[]The Pope
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Im sure they will launch a plug in for 3DS Max. I hope so, then I'll be able to make a teapot land. The reason I say Teapot is that there is a default tool which lets u create teapots for some reason.

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06.10.03 16:20
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I really doubt there'll be an import. And the teapot is in that program because GL has a function that draws a teapot. Which is weird. If you look at that microsoft pipes screen saver every now and then it draws a teapot instead of a normal round joint.

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06.10.03 16:33
Post #40
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[]The Pope
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really? never noticed that.

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06.10.03 16:34
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

strange8) bleugh huh

An image!
08.10.03 16:51
Post #42
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[]The Pope
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u need to edit ur nameplate squelchy, get rid of the extra spaces u added.

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08.10.03 16:58
Post #43
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

whatd'ya mean by that, i dont see no spaces

An image!
08.10.03 18:12
Post #44
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[]The Pope
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i do or its just something wrong with my computer or browser.

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08.10.03 18:13
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