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can i have urs?
04.09.03 02:36
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man u look so n00b now. with ur lower cases and no sigs and no capitals and short posts. n00b!
04.09.03 02:38
Post #2
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Butt Cheek
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hey dont say that he has a sig and pyro do u still want me 2 help u with a avatar?

04.09.03 02:46
Post #3
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now he has one :mrgreen:
04.09.03 02:48
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bored as hell
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here's something else to ignore...

yeah i got it, and thx for the money C1

An image!
"Everbody was doing it, i just wanted to be popular."
04.09.03 03:02
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[]The Pope
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sure you don't want something abit more interesting for ur avatar?

Learn to look, look to learn.
04.09.03 07:23
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ya something a bit bigger...and thats not a grave
04.09.03 21:45
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bored as hell
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here's something else to ignore...

yea but i cant figure out how 2 make it bigger and with my name in it

An image!
"Everbody was doing it, i just wanted to be popular."
10.09.03 23:42
Post #8
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[]The Pope
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create an image then put ur name on it and then optimize it or send it to me so i can optimize it and then resend it.

Learn to look, look to learn.
11.09.03 06:46
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hey pope. i just thought of something...maybe seeing as u like to do like 100000 stuff for everyone if maybe we can do season 3 together for C1's Comics. ill put ur name that u helped as well. i would ask for season 2 but i already have it planned out on wat to do.
11.09.03 19:58
Post #10
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I donated (or tried to) ".02" to xxpyroxx, and instead of donating £0.02, it donated £2.00. I dont suppose someone (zog) could go and fix that? and would it work if I had entered "0.02"?
11.09.03 21:55
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who cares its 2.00 thats now only 1 dollar off of wat u donated now seeing as u just posted
11.09.03 22:28
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not my point
11.09.03 23:08
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[]The Pope
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lol debt wiped. and I would love to help with the comics, I'm fanatical about anything with worms.

Learn to look, look to learn.
12.09.03 06:42
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Quoted :: routine_error

I donated (or tried to) ".02" to xxpyroxx, and instead of donating £0.02, it donated £2.00. I dont suppose someone (zog) could go and fix that? and would it work if I had entered "0.02"?

hmm damn I forgot about that, I need to make the dot possible.

You know I'm a dancing machine
12.09.03 17:49
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