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His royal Bobliness, Bobby 'Bob' Bobson speaks!

okay i give in, but still I want to know if CBWhiz is going to be CBrobinhood and give the poor all the money he takes from the rich
03.09.03 07:45
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no. earn it and not whine!

Learn to look, look to learn.
03.09.03 08:01
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His royal Bobliness, Bobby 'Bob' Bobson speaks!

*sigh* okay, i'll get to work making graves and flags, then
03.09.03 08:04
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bob that would be jackassory. We the rich gave to the poor. wasted ur money. No money for u! Try and takes out money away! BAH! Also the rich ppl are the ppl who deserve it. Ppl that are on 1000 times.
03.09.03 11:58
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His royal Bobliness, Bobby 'Bob' Bobson speaks!

ok, don't get mad with me. i'll be a good boy and earn my money properly, the way you did - which was?
03.09.03 12:05
Post #35
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i say remove all money and give all users 20 squid. go from there, adjust the poker sum more. and put all the houses up 4 sale,

then tax starts once u reach 500

25% then 50% at 1000 and so on. that way ppl wont get that rich. but the money wil still represent your activity on btp :)
03.09.03 13:02
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His royal Bobliness, Bobby 'Bob' Bobson speaks!

that sounds like a good idea Wishmaster. By the way what's the deal with the rent for Planet Express?
03.09.03 13:26
Post #37
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yeah. 30 every 7 days is a little 2 much
03.09.03 19:28
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it reflects reality and the fact that im poor now cos i gave cb all my money :lol:

ill lower it soon tho, as soon as im done taking advantage j/k
04.09.03 13:21
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His royal Bobliness, Bobby 'Bob' Bobson speaks!

so are you gonna lower soon? which bit was the joke, the taking advantage part or the lower it soon part?
04.09.03 15:33
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nay bacause i dont have a lot of money :(then it would go to a littel money:cry:

04.09.03 16:38
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Did you even read the post?
04.09.03 16:41
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ok since all ur ideas are stupid pittleless ones C1 shall now speak the words from the toilet. :D what u should really do is all people over 100 atm get 10% of there money gone. to make it a bit more even. cause cb ur should i put this. Hmmm well i dont wanna get taxed so i wont answer myself. Cause if u have 10000 and u take out 10 that brings u at 9000 if ur at 100 and u only take out 10 thats 90. so its a bit better that way.
04.09.03 21:07
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bored as hell
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here's something else to ignore...

huh? :?

An image!
"Everbody was doing it, i just wanted to be popular."
04.09.03 22:08
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04.09.03 22:27
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