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we could raise house prices etc. with inflation :D
02.09.03 18:50
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His royal Bobliness, Bobby 'Bob' Bobson speaks!

wouldn't that just put off new users and people with ridiculously under-sized funds (like me)?
02.09.03 18:52
Post #17
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u can play poker too
02.09.03 18:55
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His royal Bobliness, Bobby 'Bob' Bobson speaks!

Yes but I won't win. Believe me, i've tried and shall try again
02.09.03 18:57
Post #19
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always pick a card above 10 to keep
02.09.03 19:57
Post #20
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[]The Pope
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just pick royals or pairs and u mite get 3 of a kind whcih rocks

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02.09.03 20:03
Post #21
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looks ok... but probably something like 35 and 60 % instead of 30 and 70.
02.09.03 21:06
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70 is way to much.
02.09.03 23:33
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[]The Pope
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i did not have 900 before i had 1058 before i got onto poker! and 70 is defintely way too much.

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03.09.03 07:09
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His royal Bobliness, Bobby 'Bob' Bobson speaks!

ok, now my funds are REALLY ridiculously under-sized. I'd like to change my vote. I vote - TAKE ALL THEIR MONEY AWAY
03.09.03 07:29
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[]The Pope
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You either leave it as it is or Wipe everyone's money completely. It's unfair if we have been more comitted to BTP than other people and then they start moaning about not having enough money. That's just being a shite whiner.

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03.09.03 07:31
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His royal Bobliness, Bobby 'Bob' Bobson speaks!

yesterday i was on btp for 4 hours or more as my wwp doesn't work. I'm just complaining that people can exploit games such as poker to win so much money
03.09.03 07:35
Post #27
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[]The Pope
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not anymore. Now it's all downhill. I'm not allowed to play poker anymore. It says I'm too rich!

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03.09.03 07:36
Post #28
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His royal Bobliness, Bobby 'Bob' Bobson speaks!

okay then i'll stop complaining. and cb, are you going to steal from the rich and give to the poor?
03.09.03 07:38
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[]The Pope
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ur own fault u didn;t take advantage of it while it was on.

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03.09.03 07:40
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