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actually i hosted a br. No one joined and i waited 10 minutes. I host an rr. 1 minute the whole room is full. its anoying that all ppl play now are roping. Sometimes u need a break.
30.08.03 19:46
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Nah, roping is better. 'cept for shoppa. those are queer. especially if the host keeps saying Cow every turn. and if the host keeps cowing and says we're cowing. and especially if i tell them to go f*ck their dad and they don't defened theirselfs

30.08.03 22:34
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some people are crazy, me and u r not.

its very hard to accept
31.08.03 08:52
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Quoted :: C1

well bloopy plays worms lots still. But Readme, killa(just quit cause he said he wasnt good), Zogger, CBWhiz, that dead guy, ...i think thats all. so really just bloopy

lol, old post, but Ben isn't dead.

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03.09.03 15:18
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indeed. i saw him online firly recently i.e. within the last month
03.09.03 15:25
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he was on wwp a couple of nights ago - hosting an rr if i remember correctly.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
03.09.03 17:32
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well 1. dont play wwp. 2. i ment that other dead guy. 3. why are his comics down. 4. ya
03.09.03 20:25
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[]The Pope
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yeah, i think the reason he stopped doing stuff on the site is because one of his friends died. be a little more sensitive.

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03.09.03 20:39
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o sorry. i didnt know he was actually dead. just sick or soemthing
03.09.03 20:43
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1. i didnt died! and i dont have a friend who died either those are vicious rumours!
2. i cant host a rr cous i dont have rr maps but maybe you saw me hosting a roper. more likely.
3. i have better things to do therefor i stoped visiting forums and updating the comix. i do play wwp and check the btp news regulary.
4. pope are you popeonarope? if so, do me, im yours.
5. hi zog
and another thing: i played worms for years now, wwp mostly, my resume is quite impresive, ask zog. you dont see me anymore cous i quit months ago but now im back and quite active on wnet. so dont say im not active enough to be in the staff, cous you right im not.
04.09.03 16:52
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yeh, drazzle didn't die C1, did you not read the thread he posted?

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04.09.03 17:01
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[]The Pope
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oh sorry. I must've been confused. Sorry...

And no I'm not popeonarope. I thought I had got rid of that question ages ago but meh.

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04.09.03 18:41
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yes u did pope. o well why dont u at least either delete the comics area or add the images! also i did read that post. And he was sick with a disease he doesnt want to discuse and will still give on some weird ass prizes.
04.09.03 22:16
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