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The voices say:

An image!
26.07.07 21:29
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EDIT: I entered < nothing > and nothing was there!
27.07.07 08:46
Post #17
(Spam) Last edited: 27.07.07 08:47 (Pac-Man - 1 times) [Hide Sig (15)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I said that a lot today, at my stupid broken 360...

27.07.07 15:34
Post #18
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This is meant to be fucking meaningful,

Just turned my pc on, got nothin' yet.
27.07.07 17:18
Post #19
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27.07.07 18:33
Post #20
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"Not enough cash"
Listen at your own risk, it's damned addictive

27.07.07 20:36
Post #21
Last edited: 27.07.07 20:46 (psymon - 3 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Exceptions to the right to cancel
13. - (1) Unless the parties have agreed otherwise, the consumer will not have the right to cancel the contract by giving notice of cancellation pursuant to regulation 10 in respect of contracts -

(a) for the supply of services if the supplier has complied with regulation 8(3) and performance of the contract has begun with the consumer's agreement before the end of the cancellation period applicable under regulation 12;

(b) for the supply of goods or services the price of which is dependent on fluctuations in the financial market which cannot be controlled by the supplier;

(c) for the supply of goods made to the consumer's specifications or clearly personalised or which by reason of their nature cannot be returned or are liable to deteriorate or expire rapidly;

(d) for the supply of audio or video recordings or computer software if they are unsealed by the consumer;

You know I'm a dancing machine
27.07.07 20:41
Post #22
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om nom nom nom nom
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Nice topic idea!

"Fool! My Magikarp is immune to other Magikarps' splash attack!"

That was on my clipboard two days ago!
But I bet you've never experienced the agonising battle of Magikarp Vs. Magikarp for real. If you had, you wouldn't be laughing right now.
27.07.07 22:34
Post #23
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Tyler says:
27.07.07 22:46
Post #24
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[]The Pope
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Hey Roger

I recieved your message, sorry I wasn't able to get to the phone but I'm glad you like the basic design. With regards to colour scheme, would prefer something more bright and vibrant or grimy and industrial? I think more grimy and industrial colours would work better with the scene but then again, I'm not going to be the one sat right next to the thing for a while to come. Your thoughts would be appreciated.

I am available to get working on the piece in August and having access

I was lucky this time, I'd guess that 90% of what I copy are objects from within graphics programs or images off the web :D

Learn to look, look to learn.
27.07.07 23:18
Post #25
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Orangie Orgy
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This means you're: Kinda Bad

What does it mean?

Your lack of interest in boobs is rather concerning. But with more practice you will get to second base, and then mybe you shall learn the skill of boobs size.

was taking a breast size test
28.07.07 06:15
Post #26
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5 min later:

Program Files\Verwaltung\Microsoft Virtual PC\Virtual PC.exe T . . \ . . \ . . \ . . \ . . \ . . \ . . \ . . \ P r o g r a m F i l e s \ V e r w a l t u n g \ M i c r o s o f t V i r t u a l P C \ V i r t u a l P C . e x e l C : \ U s e r s \ V i n c e n t B e t h m a n n \ A p p D a t a \ R o a m i n g \ M i c r o s o f t \ I n s t a l l e r \ { 8 A 7 C A A 2 4 - 7 B 2 3 - 4 1 0 B - A 7 C 3 - F 9 9 4 B 0 9 4 4 1 6 0 } \ V P C . i c o   %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Installer\{8A7CAA24-7B23-410B-A7C3-F994B0944160}\VPC.ico

5 min later:
28.07.07 11:14
Post #27
(Spam) Last edited: 28.07.07 11:15 (Pac-Man - 1 times) [Hide Sig (15)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I was hoping it might attract some more ladies to the group

You know I'm a dancing machine
28.07.07 11:26
Post #28
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[]The Pope
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

I was hoping it might attract some more ladies to the group

Ain't that always the way, eh?

Learn to look, look to learn.
28.07.07 12:27
Post #29
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ty pope :D

SpoilerSpoiler (Click to Expand)Spoiler
28.07.07 17:30
Post #30
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