
BTForum » Main BTP Stuff » BlameTheMoney » Get rid of the money. Please!

Poll: Should we put an end to the power of the money?
Yes, get rid of all money. 6 users
No! I want to spam and impress my friends. 1 users
No more money handed out for posting. 0 users
No! Lets add a spam forum, like the genius CBWhiz suggests! 7 users
No, because I like voting against popular opinion! 0 users
No, because um I like money and its not a problem 13 users
"No, the money is worth the spam there is on the forum, although it would be nice to see less of it [spam]." 4 users
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Yeah he did. The game was great. All the social users got to play. Tho, since he doesnt have time to finish it or can't fnish it, he didnt.
04.05.04 21:51
Post #61
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

Good news

Zogger told me that he will finish game in this century!
05.05.04 15:40
Post #62
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Great, so he has 100 years to finish it.

05.05.04 21:22
Post #63
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Quoted :: Nameless_Soldier

Great, so he has 100 years to finish it.

Should be good then :lol:...
05.05.04 21:57
Post #64
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Quoted :: Nameless_Soldier

Great, so he has 100 years to finish it.

Actually, about 96.5 years to finish it, since this IS almost the middle of 2004 :P.
05.05.04 22:24
Post #65
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Ooooo time's ticking Zogger :x
05.05.04 22:25
Post #66
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well zogger doesnt play worms often and he has to look over this site, make sigs and crap... not lots of free time..
05.05.04 22:36
Post #67
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and then there's the real world, in which I have already had my first A-level exam (on Tuesday) for this exam season. Only another 7 to go :roll:

And despite the fact that there's less exams, you seem to have to do more work for these than GCSEs... :S.

Heh, btw:
archamond asked me "Will you finish rusk this century". I replied "If I finish rusk, then trust me, it will be this century." I didn't say I would finish it. But I probably will :)

You know I'm a dancing machine
06.05.04 10:35
Post #68
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)


but who will be alive on end of this century?
we, hardly, but pixels............another win for those bastards.......
06.05.04 14:57
Post #69
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Hm, zog, don't you have it almost entirely done. So couldn't you just pass your code onto someone to finish the last bits?
06.05.04 19:30
Post #70
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In 100 years this whole site will be gone and we will all be dead. Who could think of some of the people here dieing! 10% of people here are legends lol
06.05.04 21:09
Post #71
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Quoted :: MrrLL

In 100 years this whole site will be gone and we will all be dead. Who could think of some of the people here dieing! 10% of people here are legends lol


Don't say that!
06.05.04 23:09
Post #72
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Its creepy. This started not to short ago but it seemed a long time.
07.05.04 00:06
Post #73
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"Pixel Blaming since 2001"
07.05.04 20:04
Post #74
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Looks like
the keep money one is winnin
07.05.04 21:14
Post #75
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