
BTForum » Main BTP Stuff » BlameTheMoney » Get rid of the money. Please!

Poll: Should we put an end to the power of the money?
Yes, get rid of all money. 6 users
No! I want to spam and impress my friends. 1 users
No more money handed out for posting. 0 users
No! Lets add a spam forum, like the genius CBWhiz suggests! 7 users
No, because I like voting against popular opinion! 0 users
No, because um I like money and its not a problem 13 users
"No, the money is worth the spam there is on the forum, although it would be nice to see less of it [spam]." 4 users
Abstain 0 votes
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I say we stop the money-thing, it's really starting to suck. Every single thread on these forums is filled with moronic content coming from a few mentally handicapped individuals who wish to own a virtual pool on a worms website. It's really getting ridiculous and i'm no longer reading any threads, cause i know just what to expect.
18.08.03 21:51
Post #1
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Quoted :: HHC

I Every single thread on these forums is filled with moronic content coming from a few mentally handicapped individuals who wish to own a virtual pool on a worms website.
why than Q mate :D harhar
18.08.03 21:53
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Heh. Heh Heh.

A better solution would be to open up a spam forum, so i'll edit the poll to include that option :D
19.08.03 00:11
Post #3
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isnt that called off-topic?
19.08.03 08:27
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[]The Pope
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indeed. Me and Meia shall til the end!

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19.08.03 10:23
Post #5
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yay! dont call it the spam forum, call it.... "the philisophical debates forum" or something. i know! lets see who can think of the best name :)
19.08.03 11:24
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how about

No, the money is worth the spam there is on the forum, although it would be nice to see less of it [spam].
19.08.03 16:59
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added :D
19.08.03 17:32
Post #8
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where? o0h i see, u added it to the poll, not the forums :o. can u undo my vote? i want to change it
20.08.03 11:22
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heh i was gonna add that as a feature, changung ur vote i mean.

Lets see, user Meidpaul, poll topic id 721...

ok i deleted it.
but i forgot to look at what u voted for, so b4 u vote again tell me whihc i should take a vote away from :D
20.08.03 16:35
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[]The Pope
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same 4 me, i voted for no the money is worth the spam

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20.08.03 17:41
Post #11
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spamming to impress my friends :lol:
20.08.03 17:51
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[]The Pope
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spamming to impress the ladies not that there are many on the site. JK

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20.08.03 18:13
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well i think there was spam before money and now still. I just think tehre should be more taxing going on. Like tax HHC!
20.08.03 23:53
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noo! that word of evil and hatred. TAX! I don't care but have voted for the Spam forum. But have loosened by fingers since they are not typing as much, so don't tax me plz, it's my livlihood!

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21.08.03 07:14
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