
BTForum » Other Stuff » BlameTheHelp » you have been rated up!?

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i had a pm that says "you have been rated up!"

what it means?

Sorry from my bad engliash.
26.02.07 20:51
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now i figured it out. but i can't rate other people, why?

Sorry from my bad engliash.
26.02.07 22:16
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Orangie Orgy
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Because nobody loves you.

you're a new user, wait 2 weeks
26.02.07 23:31
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i know. but it says that i can't rate YET. when?

Sorry from my bad engliash.
27.02.07 06:53
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Orangie Orgy
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

Because nobody loves you.

you're a new user, wait 2 weeks

27.02.07 12:18
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OK, ok. just asking...

Sorry from my bad engliash.
27.02.07 13:51
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You know Spriral, you know everything, so stop acting like you are a n00b. :evil:

01.03.07 10:07
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Orangie Orgy
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I miss these days.

(also: here's the proof I was talking about:
SpoilerSpoiler (Click to Expand)Spoiler )
01.03.07 14:20
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a victory for Big Brother BTP I say

You know I'm a dancing machine
01.03.07 14:49
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02.03.07 03:23
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That's sum fukin' bullshit.

02.03.07 05:22
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i know, he is in my clan, but he pisses me off! so ya know, its kinda. . .slipped, and i 'accidently' told everyone. . .shame

02.03.07 10:11
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