
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms World Party Discussion » creating maps and using bitmonkey

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ok im new at making worms maps, every time i try to make a map and then convert it to .bit it ends up looking like crap and nothing like i started now is there some kind of program that makes it look better? or maybe a way to draw things to make it look better?
30.12.06 21:05
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Make sure you convert it to 'hospital' or one of the other terrains which I forget... it's blue and not that different. Kind of city-ish iirc

When drawing make sure your lines are never more than a couple of pixels thick. If you look at some existing maps in bitmonkey you can see how maps are normally textured.

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31.12.06 12:44
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The terrain you're looking for is "Manhattan."
Hospital amd Manhattan are the best terrains for self-made maps.
31.12.06 13:21
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ok thanx
01.01.07 20:27
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