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I've always wanted to start one of these threads >_>.

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24.10.06 00:36
Post #1
Last edited: 24.10.06 00:37 (TheAbdBoy - 1 times) [Twitter] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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From Hawaii?

Also, I don't get the "Adolf Hitler" one..
24.10.06 01:03
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Adolf Hitler isn't a person, it's a book. :O

24.10.06 02:06
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Adolf Hitler isn't a person, it's a book. :O
you fail at humor. go die somewhere


Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
24.10.06 08:08
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Quoted :: Akuryou13

you fail at humor. go die somewhere

Wow, that actually made me laugh for some strange reason.
24.10.06 09:07
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Orangie Orgy
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well, might aswell poast somethins.

I managed to mod the GUI of UnrealChampionship2
Since I play CTF alot and the game crashes (dunno why) when i go to blue team, I got annoyed with the whole Red coloring of it all.

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After (orange & darkgrey): SpoilerSpoiler (Click to Expand)Spoiler

hurrah for xbox modding.
24.10.06 09:12
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Quoted :: Akuryou13

Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Adolf Hitler isn't a person, it's a book. :O
you fail at humor. go die somewhere


Thank you.

24.10.06 21:07
Post #7
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[]Star Worms
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The costcutter at uni has a poster saying "XMAS VAULE ONLY £6.99". I want to take a picture of it but don't want to look like a weirdo...

25.10.06 14:15
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Quoted :: Star Worms

I want to take a picture of it but don't want to look like a weirdo...

too late for that :p

You know I'm a dancing machine
25.10.06 15:02
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Dude, even I felt that one.

Besides, assuming that "value" is spelt the same in America as it is in the UK, then yeh, its worth a picture.
25.10.06 17:54
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seriously I have no idea what star worms looks like... Living with a Welsh person is bad for me because it makes me say things like that... Although I'm not sure that being welsh is a major factor in that...

You know I'm a dancing machine
26.10.06 13:29
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[spoiler]An image![/spoil er]
I used my face for reference

I fail at img tags :(
26.10.06 13:46
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[]Star Worms
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For all you know this could be me:

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26.10.06 22:52
Post #13
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Please put that in a spoiler. :(
26.10.06 23:28
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How is that chair still in one piece?!

Learn to look, look to learn.
26.10.06 23:33
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