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Aku and Atomipommi are/is Finn(s), Kyle isn't, as far as I know. BTW, atomipommi means "Atom bomb"
09.11.06 16:10
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Quoted :: Peltzi

Aku and Atomipommi are/is Finn(s), Kyle isn't, as far as I know. BTW, atomipommi means "Atom bomb"

I think he was typing metaphorically

You know I'm a dancing machine
09.11.06 16:17
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I don't know. If it were a true Kyle, they would have had this place to shambles by now.
09.11.06 20:00
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

Quoted :: Peltzi

Aku and Atomipommi are/is Finn(s), Kyle isn't, as far as I know. BTW, atomipommi means "Atom bomb"

I think he was typing metaphorically

Correct. I do believe that Kyle has changed for the good.

09.11.06 20:22
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Happy birthday! :P
10.11.06 12:46
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Happy birthday RunT! :D
10.11.06 15:26
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Orangie Orgy
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8th account and counting.
10.11.06 15:45
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Who's that? Aku? XD?
10.11.06 17:07
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

8th account and counting.
At what number do you eventually ban the IP?

10.11.06 17:10
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Quoted :: kikumbob

Quoted :: Pioneer322

8th account and counting.
At what number do you eventually ban the IP?

banning IPs is not a good thing to do but, if he continues it well then, yeah.
Only problem is, only people with DB access can do it
10.11.06 18:30
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Just to clear this up... Aku isn't Akuryou13 is it? Because he seemed upset in the PM and stuff and I thought he made a new account.

But now after knowing that there are 8 accounts made by Aku, I know its not the other Aku.
10.11.06 19:06
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Highly unrelated I think.
12.11.06 16:17
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i'm fairly certain there's an IP ban page somewhere, but IP bans are way too easy to circumvent, they're usually not worth it.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
15.11.06 19:25
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