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Quoted :: Pioneer322

Quoted :: psymon

Quoted :: The Pope

Wario, the best Nintendo character ever created!


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You are really sad. Bonus points for playing TimeSplitters though!

24.09.06 18:39
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wait, they finally got a believable portal gun working? where do I get that?


Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
24.09.06 22:55
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Its part of the "StriderMod" I think. Or made by the same people at least.
24.09.06 23:39
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Quoted :: Akuryou13

wait, they finally got a believable portal gun working? where do I get that?

:P and yes, it's by the Strider Mod people.

25.09.06 14:01
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This is what i do in school....
25.09.06 18:58
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I aim to put something like this in my next map.

27.09.06 17:41
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[]The Pope
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Put headcrabs and lots of 'em!

Learn to look, look to learn.
27.09.06 20:42
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Quoted :: The Pope

Put headcrabs and lots of 'em!

Indeed, maybe some poison ones too to make it interesting :P


27.09.06 23:29
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Quoted :: psymon

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I aim to put something like this in my next map.

gotta love mapping with physics. I was making an HL2DM map with a temp name of ravensomething which had a whole load - eg there was a bridge which falls down every third time it's walked over, and then a motor winds it back up. Kind of like a trap from ravenholm. There was also a whole load of platforms which could be knocked off of walls. Sadly I lost all traces of the map when I uninstalled HL2 after I broke steam. Wasn't likely to finish it anyway... do I ever?
Actually I think knifa played it so it's possible (but unlikely) that he has the bsp still sitting in a folder...

You know I'm a dancing machine
28.09.06 10:38
Post #24
Last edited: 28.09.06 10:39 (ZoGgEr! - 1 times) [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote]
[]The Pope
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'Heads Or Tails'
An image!

'No Liberty'
An image!

I want to get into stencil art more ^^

Learn to look, look to learn.
29.09.06 18:47
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as I find all the little mini-sig tag things to be completely and utterly pointless, I took the ironic path and made one of my own to parody the rest:

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
30.09.06 13:54
Post #26
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did you do that Pope?
30.09.06 16:37
Post #27
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[]The Pope
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Yeah, I made both of those.

Here's another, called 'Pooh':
An image!

Learn to look, look to learn.
30.09.06 17:05
Post #28
Last edited: 30.09.06 17:10 (The Pope - 1 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
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very cool work. do you do it all by hand?
30.09.06 19:39
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Quoted :: ShootMe

very cool work. do you do it all by hand?
it's stencil art, so I'd imagine that's a sort of yes and a no answer

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
01.10.06 12:48
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