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The latest Image i've drawn
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16.09.06 19:03
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Thats a damn good drawing MC. But the arrow looks a few inches to short to me, but nonethelss, its nice.
16.09.06 19:33
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The elf has a small penis. (I'm referring to the arrow)

16.09.06 19:43
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Yeah that is some really mad drawing MC I must say. They're getting better every time.



18.09.06 06:58
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here's my nowhere-near-finished fanartist of the month entry over at Team17 forums.

lemme know if you think I'm headed in the right direction or if anything really bad catches your eye.
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Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
19.09.06 03:04
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the shadow from the castle is a bit solid, the castle has ramparts and people along it, if you can get them into the shadow that'd be cool.

Its also not easy to tell at first that its the warlock-type guy at the back who's melting the arrows

Looking good otherwise.

PS: I dunno how long you have on this, but slightly changing a few of the guys in the army so they dont all look identical would be a nice touch.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
19.09.06 11:19
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the shadow on the castle wasn't detailed because I intended to put stuff in the middle that would cover the blandness up. the warlock guy on the right is supposed to look somewhat disconnected from the fire, so as to make it more realistic (in a sense) in that there wouldn't be a trail from the caster to the target if the target were to just explode.

I have plenty of time as I'm not sure if I'm even going to submit it to this month's comp or if I'll wait for next month's, but I don't know what to do to make them unique without changing the armor, because facial expressions would be concealed by the swords or the helmets, and they're all supposed to be standing at attention, so their physical position wouldn't really change....that's why they're like that, but if you can come up with a decent idea I'll probably go with it.

anyway, I've spent damn near all night working on this thing, so here's an update:
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Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
19.09.06 12:16
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Last edited: 19.09.06 12:18 (Akuryou13 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (4)] [Profile] [Quote]
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@Atomic52: Thanks for the Folwers

@Akuryou13: Nice FanArt, i like the detailed armor and weapons
19.09.06 14:11
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23.09.06 20:52
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Nope. Nice art. I wish I could draw like you :(.

BTW, why did you give him a large wang?

24.09.06 00:41
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two problems I see:

1. the hilt of the sword is about as long as his thumb and the only person that could weild it would be a midget on some major steriods :p

2. the cloak hood is entirely too rigid looking. you need to make it more rounded rather than linear.

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
24.09.06 12:27
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Akuryou the next one will be better ;)

Abd his penis is coverd behind that iron pants how larg it is may everyone else decide i dont :-P
24.09.06 15:23
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Aye MC, learn the human proportions, like the gap inbetween your eyes is the width of one eye.

An image!

Wario, the best Nintendo character ever created!

Learn to look, look to learn.
24.09.06 16:54
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Quoted :: The Pope

Wario, the best Nintendo character ever created!


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24.09.06 17:39
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Orangie Orgy
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Quoted :: psymon

Quoted :: The Pope

Wario, the best Nintendo character ever created!


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24.09.06 18:27
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