
BTForum » Main BTP Stuff » BlameTheGeneralDiscussion » Fiend's Greatest Shitz Hits Shelves, DL it or uh...don't

Poll: Dig Dug vs Joust Knight...Who'd win?
Joust Knight would kick his ass 2 users
Dig Dug would win 3 users
They would both Kill each other in a rather frantic and comical display... 5 users
I am uncool and have no idea what yer talking about.... 3 users
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Well, I finally finished the stupid map pack, so heres any remote reezon why you might wanna dl it:

New werm Toob maps not available on regualr DL.
Concept maps like (ooooh) Bungee Fly
Oh and theres all sorts of other crap to, zo check it out...You can find it in the map packs section...
I also included ll necisery schemes...
Thaught ja like ta know....

16.08.03 22:37
Post #1
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Lol, your spelling is humorous.

17.08.03 00:25
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[]The Pope
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yeah man, down wid da crew and me homiez. crapz like dis don't come every dA doez it man! NO! Waddup bro. Just chillin. Wassuup! Ja man!

Learn to look, look to learn.
17.08.03 08:49
Post #3
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wigger :lol:
17.08.03 10:33
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also the person of long thread descriptions.

You know I'm a dancing machine
17.08.03 10:47
Post #5
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uh, pope, I'm not trying to get a balck thing goin', I'm chust too fuggin lazy to spell correctly ....

17.08.03 23:30
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[]The Pope
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dude? Hold Up!

Learn to look, look to learn.
18.08.03 06:55
Post #7
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if u r so lazy, it would hav been quicker to type just than chust, and there are other things like that probably, but i havent checked
18.08.03 08:49
Post #8
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yea, but it's chust that I've been typin chust fer so long that I put it in automatically....

20.08.03 04:27
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Freshly uploaded :D



Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
22.08.03 01:01
Post #10
[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Hoo Ha! Thanks Bloopy!

22.08.03 23:06
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Who are those people?
11.09.03 12:24
Post #12
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ya that poll is fuked
11.09.03 20:10
Post #13
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hey um i have play both those games (dig dug being my personal favorite) and is it just me or does every thread that feind starts end up in an argument on how he spells stuff cant u just let it go?

11.09.03 23:59
Post #14
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o nice avatar i accidentally named all of fatal fanatics rrs the same for the title but dont worry they're all different.
12.09.03 00:03
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