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we could have another BTP worms tourney. The money as prizes. There could be 2 tourneys for 2 seperate games. One for WA and one for WWP.

16.08.03 04:38
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already thought up
16.08.03 06:48
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competitions at least, not sure what competitions there could be yet, but comps would be possible now.

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16.08.03 10:27
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members challenge each other to games. They both put in some money in the kitty. Who eva wins gets all the money in the kitty. Can have 1v1 to 1v1v1v1v1v1. BTP would be used to issue challengs, keep record of kittied money and the winner would get the money through BTP. Finding out who won would be a bit harder, e.g. Lying, Cheating, Fat Asses

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16.08.03 11:32
Post #4
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like the league u get for the clansites at btp, except prizes for the top 3 or 5 or whatever
16.08.03 14:18
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[]The Pope
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spot on Meia

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16.08.03 14:29
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huzzah! :) i love that word, its so funny:lol:
16.08.03 14:31
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It's so Upper-Class! Pip Pip

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16.08.03 14:42
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hey. I just thought up something. Say the bank has....say 1,000,000$ in it. just say. WHy not so its harder to cheat. BTP has to have a certain amount of money. Added up from all the members. So it comes to 1,100,000. mind u these are just any numbers
16.08.03 17:18
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and u can take out loads and stuff, and open an account to get interest.
16.08.03 17:47
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too complicated. and what stops people from takin the money and spending it and not paying their monthly repayments? Nothing.

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16.08.03 20:50
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they can get banned for a week
16.08.03 21:09
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no. NO TAKING OUT MONEY! But i like the interest. Thats a good idea. And it also makes it keep track of money. Mind u if ppl post lots. Then maybe that wouldnt work...
16.08.03 22:36
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Quoted :: C1


There goes C1's blood pressure rising again. Just clam down old boy. Jolly good show. Pip Pi... it's that bloody pic of Meia's :roll: which is turning me pOshe. :x

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17.08.03 09:03
Post #14
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:o, c1 u could have it so ur money went straight into ur bank account so it would work
17.08.03 10:50
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