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Poll: Who do you think is most likely to be The Pixel?
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I personally think that Bloopy is the pixel, but I dont know.

24.03.03 07:48
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only if you knew =)
24.03.03 09:36
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You can reserve your tournament the site!
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CousCous is! he's just trying to divert our attention to somebody else

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24.03.03 17:07
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how could he be he is not even staff lol
24.03.03 19:45
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stop looking at me!
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You can reserve your tournament the site!
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would be a pixel be a staff member of a site, which sole purpose is to BlameThePixel?
that's like Bush being president of an anti-war thingey :)

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24.03.03 20:10
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that's like Bush being president of an anti-war thingey :)

or perhaps Luke skywarker being a member of the empire.

You know I'm a dancing machine
24.03.03 22:55
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lmao i dont think it is him =x
24.03.03 23:44
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do you mean the member called 'The Pixel' or the Pixel that you can ask?

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
25.03.03 02:44
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how could he be he is not even staff lol

hey dont think Im not a staff because I may just be one soon enough...

25.03.03 02:58
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Oh kool =D
25.03.03 03:03
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hey dont think Im not a staff because I may just be one soon enough...

lol, um... is there something I don't know about?

You know I'm a dancing machine
25.03.03 05:23
Post #11
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stop looking at me!
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You can reserve your tournament the site!
Please name the scheme of your tourney, the date for it to occur and the duration of the tourney

CousCous has AskedThePixel(tm) and He told him that he would be staff soon?

RRkit Ranking
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25.03.03 06:18
Post #12
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ummmmmm... no he didnt
25.03.03 08:47
Post #13
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CousCous, me and you aren't so different. In fact we seem to be one in the same!
26.03.03 03:56
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CousCous's sig looks cool
i dunno...I agree with him about Bloopy
27.03.03 04:03
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