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nup, mozilla is definately not a winXP only proggy. It's usable on all recent windows OS's as well as Linux/UNIX, which is probably what it was originally designed for. It's free to download too.
Personally tho I use Opera, which also has a page reloading function.

You know I'm a dancing machine
04.09.03 17:34
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lmao tundrah, i hadnt even noticed that option until u pointed it out. VVNice ;)

And mozilla is for almost every OS created within the last decade :D
04.09.03 22:44
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ok.. how do you get the tab-extensions?
05.09.03 00:26
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tools > options > extention > get extentions > scroll > click > click > restart mozilla
05.09.03 02:53
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And by default, there's a "Mozilla Firebird Help" button on your toolbar that links to the same site.
05.09.03 06:49
Post #35
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every time we get a high score on ghost gunner and pixel flyier we should the same amount of pence as our score was
18.12.03 20:18
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then average ppl would get 50p within seconds

Learn to look, look to learn.
19.12.03 09:15
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as i said, do my idea about prizes on poker and ghost gunner and pixelflyer.
20.12.03 00:04
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ok, ok no need to repeat it so much - I'm going to add it.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
20.12.03 10:46
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sorry....hmm i find this spam saying just one word so I'll continue to talk. Ok done now...
21.12.03 17:38
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I got a couple ideas bout how to get money.
You could put in more casino gambling there more then just poker (e.g. blackjack, slots, rullet) or how bout more lottery stuff like scratch tickets or something like PowerBall
where you pick 5(or whatever) numbers and person who gets it wins the pot and if noone gets it, it just adds up but do it everyday not just once a week. Just some ideas if you don't like o well.

~`No Gòód`
25.12.03 17:52
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you need to go to gambiling anonymous. Plus most of those games are in the process of being made. And people! Vote to remove money! The n00bs are overpower the vote. (I don't want it removed..i want it changed and money reset)
25.12.03 18:18
Post #42
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Statusless? Maybe
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

i suport you on this one c1(this is ryming, my first one!:):))
26.12.03 19:59
Post #43
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oh great.. but no rhyming any more, or billy will rape you some more, as if it were a chore.
26.12.03 20:27
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on your own is so boring , i think grandad is snoring.

27.12.03 08:56
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