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emberstrife, the third place winner of Rask, has been eliminated.

The finalists of Rask are: []Akuryou13 and []Atomic52

[]Akuryou13 final tally: 2,435.
[]Atomic52 final tally: 696.

They will roll off to determine the winner shortly. If Aku (the one with the most land at the moment), does not win the first roll, there will be a roll off of the best of 5 rolls.

Prize Money Available For First Prize: £3,500

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11.04.06 23:08
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What are the yellow dots on that map? Are they starting points for players?


11.04.06 23:19
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Quoted :: RunT

What are the yellow dots on that map? Are they starting points for players?

Yes, and the capitals. If you occupy that land, you may teleport to the capitals at anytime during the game.
11.04.06 23:21
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Atomic, you fail.

12.04.06 01:54
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Well, just out of bordom (and if I have the time away from DoD: S long enough), if theres a Rask #3, I'm in.


12.04.06 02:21
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Quoted :: RunT

Well, just out of bordom (and if I have the time away from DoD: S long enough), if theres a Rask #3, I'm in.

There won't be one for awhile, but I remembered that you asked :)
12.04.06 08:35
Post #6
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Perhaps, you'll be able to implement the game in code by then? ;)
12.04.06 08:49
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Quoted :: Emberstrife

Perhaps, you'll be able to implement the game in code by then? ;)

Yes. Do that.

12.04.06 11:20
Post #8
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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sign me up fo rask 3 plz. ok, who programmed this, and can it be iplemented on the site??

ps. what coding lang did you use??
12.04.06 18:56
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It wasn't coded the first 2 times around, it was imagery.
12.04.06 20:01
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Quoted :: Spleet

It wasn't coded the first 2 times around, it was imagery.

I wouldn't call it imaginary. Just not a very efficient method, compared to coding.

Plus, coding would be too much effort for the reward. Just making the image squares selectable would take forever.
13.04.06 00:54
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maybe I should make it my final year project.

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13.04.06 10:45
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You'll save yourself alot of trouble coding if you make the tiles square, instead of diamond, if you're going to program this.

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13.04.06 12:27
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coding would be SO much better than manually changing the color of something like 400 little squares.

someone should seriously code this game. heck, if you do, you could make this into a popular game (in which I could pwn everyone on the internet instead of just these forums ;) )

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13.04.06 14:03
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And if it's coded, you wont beable to go against the rules.

13.04.06 14:47
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