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Sunday Blamer? Since Pope stopped doing it after about 6 of them?


06.02.06 19:09
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I say keep auctions, text reverser, dialectiser, and the login page. Other than that, you can take off all that was suggested so far.
06.02.06 21:51
Post #17
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How about shorten it to:

Go there
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*trimmed down files section goes here*
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Would please everyone and would be nice and compact.
06.02.06 22:12
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Quoted :: RunT

Sunday Blamer? Since Pope stopped doing it after about 6 of them?

I'll continue the Sunday Blamer if you want.

Quoted :: SargeTron

How about shorten it to:

Go there
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*trimmed down files section goes here*
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Would please everyone and would be nice and compact.

CSS anyone? I wouldn't want it that short, everything here is too fun to get rid of.

06.02.06 23:55
Post #19
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Orangie Orgy
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Quoted :: RunT

Sunday Blamer? Since Pope stopped doing it after about 6 of them?

I'll continue the Sunday Blamer if you want.

Quoted :: SargeTron

How about shorten it to:

Go there
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*trimmed down files section goes here*
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Would please everyone and would be nice and compact.

CSS anyone? I wouldn't want it that short, everything here is too fun to get rid of.

agreed, people that you dont know (guests and occasional users) actually use all of those stuffs
Think about the rest, not about yourself :)

edit: anyways, what will this whole, many links into one look like? a little popup window next to the main link or sumthin?
07.02.06 00:04
Post #20
Last edited: 07.02.06 05:10 (Pioneer322 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Quoted :: RunT

Sunday Blamer? Since Pope stopped doing it after about 6 of them?

I'll continue the Sunday Blamer if you want.

Quoted :: SargeTron

How about shorten it to:

Go there
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*trimmed down files section goes here*
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Would please everyone and would be nice and compact.

CSS anyone? I wouldn't want it that short, everything here is too fun to get rid of.

agreed, people that you dont know (guests and occasional users) actually use all of those stuffs
Think about the rest, not about yourself :)

edit: anyways, what will this whole, many links into one look like? a little popup window next to the main link or sumthin?

No tiny popup windows, just another page. So like an index page for a website, but for each section.
07.02.06 10:08
Post #21
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Just thought, we have the power to shorten the menu ourselves by hiding menus we do not wish to view.

Why don't we just keep it the way it is and hide what we don't wanna see? I have


07.02.06 15:43
Post #22
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Design Name:
Design Author: SargeTron
Design Created: September 01 2005 07:43:46 AM
Design Updated: September 01 2005 07:43:46 AM

The following CSS is already applied, but you can override it.

Use those as guides for what to edit.
A convenient CSS beginners guide can be found at
The official CSS specifications (which include details on every selector and attribute)
can be found at

@import url('');
.menuset {
.menuheading {
visibility: hidden;
padding-bottom: 10px;
#menuset1, #menuset3, #menuset20 {
Harry's design with a cleaned up menu
07.02.06 22:02
Post #23
Last edited: 07.02.06 22:02 (SargeTron - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
Orangie Orgy
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Quoted :: RunT

Just thought, we have the power to shorten the menu ourselves by hiding menus we do not wish to view.

Why don't we just keep it the way it is and hide what we don't wanna see? I have

well as I said at the start, what could be scrapped, changed, added, or moved?
it kinda seems fine as of now, I thought having the users area under forum would look nice but Abdboy said noes
07.02.06 23:39
Post #24
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Surely it wouldn't be too hard to make the menu customizable. It would take time of course... time no one probably wants to commit. It's an idea, anyway.
08.02.06 00:56
Post #25
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It is. Look in the source.
08.02.06 14:48
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

I thought having the users area under forum would look nice but Abdboy said noes

And good on him. I like the users area being at the bottom.

08.02.06 18:56
Post #27
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Quoted :: SargeTron

It is. Look in the source.

The source doesn't give you any bearing on menu customisation on the server side... Nothing too difficult, might add a bit more to page generation though.

You know I'm a dancing machine
08.02.06 19:19
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Quoted :: Emberstrife

* ShopBTP (been down for ages)

No it hasn't... I got a jersey from there a few months ago.. Right before the school year started.
I was going to get one with red sleeves but i guess its gone now.
08.02.06 22:13
Post #29
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the shop was redirecting to the main cafeshop place
09.02.06 01:29
Post #30
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