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Okies, I am trying to figure out all the sprite locations in wwps sprite bank so i can make a large Mod, where all worms wear hats, worm strikes, worm arrows and other neat things, Kinda like the fiddler in W:A only this works with the patch (TESTED) and is alot harder to make becuase the sprites arent named, so if you are interested in helping to test sprites, please PM me.

Its kinda slow though, all you have to do is give me a some way of contacting you, then I shall send a file that you must in WWP with all weapons at different angles and stuff, in general a proper test takes about 20 mins, but I dont mind if you do it more speedly, aslong as all the weapons are tested.

Then if you see something happen like a sheep being a worm (hehe, ive seen that already, really funny) or you worm being a granny, even the smaller things like diff bullets comming out of guns... etc. then you tell me exactly what you saw happen with which weapon. Of course anyone that helps will go in the credits.

Please help and make this idea a reality,


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12.08.03 16:02
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woah I very much doubt you're gonna be able to change all those frames in all those images, there's a hell of a lot of editing to do there...

I am trying to figure out all the sprite locations in wwps sprite bank

Surely the sprite editor give you all of them?

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12.08.03 16:30
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The sprite editor cant edit the wwp sprites so im having to do it through hex, im not going to edit every single sprite for theirs too many, only the ones i want to.
12.08.03 16:33
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hmm, I thought it could... Or maybe it was that it got a lot of sprites but not the worm ones, which I would imagine if they don't work are different.

Okey, I believe you now ;).

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12.08.03 17:00
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Although sprite editor doesnt make it possible to extract the actuall sprites its a big help only having to edit the Mainspr.bnk they is good news for WWP though, unlike W:A where sprites have to be the same size in pixels to work, WWP lets any sprites work without the file sizes being the same :D!
12.08.03 18:29
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Holy mother of God, i have officially found the Yellow Hat sprite! Haha! Im so fucking happy, no one bother helping me, i found what i was looking for. Expect a Hats patch soon :lol:
12.08.03 18:48
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heh, cool. are those the hats from the sheep?
12.08.03 18:57
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No no, the Worm hats from the missions (taken from W:A)

Thats the sprite i have found so far, soon ill have all the hat animations, and then its WWP Hat Addition by Squiffel :D lol. 80
12.08.03 19:30
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hmm ok. they are too small to see, but never mind
12.08.03 20:38
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how can you have the worms wearing the hats with different weapons etc. Are you actually changing all the sprites then?

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12.08.03 21:18
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i cant have them with different weapons and stuff unfortunately, but im going to make it when they do airstrikes and stuff, ive found the yellow, blue, purple, and freeze hat, the locations for teles, airstrikes and firepunches.
12.08.03 21:22
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totally off topic, what would the "BACKUP" in the to left of everything mean?
12.08.03 21:37
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hmm I guess that's more intrusive in the design you're using. It means the there was an error connecting to the db using the user I normally use, probably because of a max connections thing, so to get round it I made a second user which it connects to if there's an error in the first, it just prints backup when that happens, to let me know.

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12.08.03 21:47
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oh ok. its gone now :)
12.08.03 21:51
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cool idea! I'd love that in worms armageddon to have hats on the worms. :lol: man i'd like to see the granny worm. Oh NICE JOB ZOGGER! With all the emotions pics here havent seen this before on btp. N1! And i have an idea why not show on a page how many ppl are using each type of emotions. I'd like to see that
12.08.03 23:42
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