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Remember that huge 120mb or so map and scheme pack that was posted to BTP a while ago? I need it again :). Help, kthxbai
20.01.06 21:36
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Orangie Orgy
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all the files were deleted almost a month ago
if someone has the pack i can re-submit it :)
20.01.06 21:54
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Yeah, that's why I need it.
20.01.06 22:01
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Quoted :: SargeTron

Yeah, that's why I need it.

You need it because it was deleted off of BTP? That's confusing.

21.01.06 00:30
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No, I got it. I used it. I formatted harddrive several thousand times. Later, I came back. Convinently, all files have been deleted. Now I need it again :)
21.01.06 08:56
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Isn't there any place that holds all our backups?
21.01.06 18:46
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If there was C1, all the problems BTP is having wouldn't exsist me thinks.

A resubmit of this would be a good idea since I can download it now being back on W:A.


21.01.06 21:01
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Someone posted a comment on some page and claimed they downloaded everything on BTP, ask them, they'll have the backup.

21.01.06 21:09
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Somehow I doubt it :P

...Surpass Hosting wouldn't like that.
22.01.06 11:57
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Orangie Orgy
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what would surpass have to do with someone downloading files off a site...?

anyways, bloopy might have it sitting in his computer storage aka porn stash somewhere
22.01.06 16:43
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Someone posted a comment on some page and claimed they downloaded everything on BTP, ask them, they'll have the backup.

Okay, looking around the ftp i found a file called getallfiles.php and getallsigs.php
getallfiles gives you a zip of all the files (uploaded, not btp's files :P) and sigs, well.. sigs
so i guess thats how he got all them

The ftp is heug and theres pages i never even heard of, but no success in finding the missing stuff... lookin at to see if i could get the files myself
23.01.06 17:09
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I wouldn't use getallfiles.php or expect it to have worked...

that was from before the file reorganization into directories (last time they were all deleted), and didn't manage to get all the files on its own (timed out), had to use get arguments for limits and download them in bits.

You know I'm a dancing machine
23.01.06 18:21
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So all hope is lost?
23.01.06 18:43
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