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I can see why some might need help, but anyone can google information on RARs.

here's my problem solving method:

step 1: get problem
step 2: google problem
18.01.06 05:03
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That's how I solved it too!

I'll add all the links that helped in a while....

I downladed the original info about a launcher from and it says download the .rar file then execute the .exe file. I'm reasonably computer literate so I just changed the filename extension because there was no explaination that .rar files need to be extracted with a seperate program. If you're explaining how something should be done, I thought it would make sense to explain it in it's entirety rather than assume the person seeking the information already knows half of what you're trying to explain !?!?*!??:mrgreen:
18.01.06 18:50
Post #17
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Orangie Orgy
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usually by now people should know what .rar is since.. well, its been out for awhile now
not enough room to explain all that tho, besides, they came like that! >_>
18.01.06 18:57
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